What about his human rights ?

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I used to get a train from Kings Cross to York to Scarborough. Unfortunately it was also the Edinburgh express.
Full of Scot's ****ed up and not all with a ticket. The inspectors left it to the Police at York station, not a prior stop.
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To quote the great John Smeaton...
This is Scotland, we won't stand for that. We'll set aboot ye.

Sorry but I reckon the big man was right, this wee scrotum of society was causing undue issues for hundreds of others on that train. Each one has the right to get home after having paid their fares. This urchin not only had the audacity not to pay but to become un-necessarily abusive to the conductor. The YT comments go on about the rights of the "lad" and the "big man" surely the conductor has the right to do his job without verbal (or physical) abuse?
I agree, but the ones I have seen have awaited the Police at the next station.
Gaun yersel big man. He sorted the wee bawbag oot.
He'll have second thought about not buying a ticket next time.
Gaun yersel big man. He sorted the wee bawbag oot.
He'll have second thought about not buying a ticket next time.

My sentiments too !

Why should everyone on the train bit inconvenienced by him
and the language in front of the little uns, he got off light in my opinion .

Some are saying he was assaulted do me a favour how are you supposed to
deal with idiots like that .......send him on a holiday ?
he is not committing an offense untill he leaves railway property without paying or with a clear understanding with a member off staff[penalty ticket for example]

in this case they are a bit harsh as a cheap day return is normally 10 or 20p more than a single
although he could have picked that ticket up off the ground

i would only expect this sort off reaction after the second or third occasion he has been caught for fare evasion
Assault and summary justice when no offence has actually taken place - and in front of some very shocked kids...

Vigilantism gets us nowhere except to fuel irrational hatred of others!
Both in the wrong.
Theft from not paying, and assault.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You could say that about any situation where someone makes a stand. Someone tries to take your wallet - you resist. So in your book, both guilty.

That's why we are in the mess we are in, because many decent people want to do something, but are afraid of the consequences. By demonising the ones who step in, society spirals downwards. You haven't said what you would have done. Probably nothing. Top marks to the inspector and the big jock. The scrotes used to be afraid of people like this, and the country was a better place.

Anyway, even if he did get a slap, just wearing a gay hat like his was just cause. :LOL:
Having a ticket not valid for the full journey is an offence under the railways act.
Or so London Transport keep advertising :D
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