what common grounds do we all share?

face it we all love food, sunshine, love, affection, kindness, good manners, polite behaviour, respect, freedom, and many more things in which we share common ground, we should focus on what we all share and like rather than what we dont like about each other..........makes a happy camper of us all.....do you agree?

Most things that you would not get from the foreign influx into our once great country. People that come to our country, as the same as other countries, should at least adopt the following criteria:

Learn to speak English
Learn to spell English
Stop talking ****** about our country
Learn our cultures
If you have a problem, go see someone in your country of birth, maybe they could help.
We have a Democratic way in OUR country that foreign nationals can voice their opinions and get away with any shyte that they come up with, but, if the indigenous populas were to make any stance against the Foreign people demonstrating in Trafalger Square etc, then we would be called racist - even though the banners that they held, were against us in the UK. It appears the ars*holes are still amongst us.
It's about time we, as the decent people of the UK stood against these scumbags.
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I love this country, and call this my home, and will do so always, I think in english.

I am english just not caucasian/white. before the influx this country was a quiet old place wih not a lot to offer, I bet even you appreciate some foriegn implementations in this country and the imports from all around the world.

even english people go on holiday all over the world and on business and expect us to speak english, wtf
at least we try and do speak english in your country.

and for the record even though england is my home too, it is only a small country and with so little english in the whole world you do seem to be the most arrogant and egoistic, and also think you own the world.
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So basically you assume everyone in the UK is fundamentally the same and thinks the same way?
I love this country, and call this my home, and will do so always, I think in english.

I am english just not caucasian/white. before the influx this country was a quiet old place wih not a lot to offer, I bet even you appreciate some foriegn implementations in this country and the imports from all around the world.

even english people go on holiday all over the world and on business and expect us to speak english, wtf
at least we try and do speak english in your country.

and for the record even though england is my home too, it is only a small country and with so little english in the whole world you do seem to be the most arrogant and egoistic, and also think you own the world.

In the same post; you've said you are English, it's your home, you think in English etc. Then you completely mess things up by saying; "expect us to speak english, wtf at least we try and do speak english in your country". Then you say; "you do seem to be the most arrogant and egoistic".
As you said you are English etc, you must also be be arrogant and egotistical too. :rolleyes:
OK, not stirring things up here but I can see where als coming from when he says 'we speak english'.
How many news reports do you see each day where there is a broadcast from abroad and the interviewer is speaking to a native of that country, who then converses back in quite good/excellent english?
Can you honestly say that if a German/French/Indian/Chinese reporter thrust a microphone in front of you that you could understand and reply in HIS native tongue?
I'm ashamed, to a point, to say that I couldn't. I understand a bit of schoolboy german and french but don't ask me to speak it.
OK, not stirring things up here but I can see where als coming from when he says 'we speak english'.
How many news reports do you see each day where there is a broadcast from abroad and the interviewer is speaking to a native of that country, who then converses back in quite good/excellent english?
Can you honestly say that if a German/French/Indian/Chinese reporter thrust a microphone in front of you that you could understand and reply in HIS native tongue?
I'm ashamed, to a point, to say that I couldn't. I understand a bit of schoolboy german and french but don't ask me to speak it.

There's no point feeling ashamed. For the majority of British people there isn't a single language that could be used on a daily basis or in a variety of situations so how do you choose one and why? For anyone who isn't born English speaking, its a logical choice to learn English as its a universally spoken language. As much as many people will hate to admit it, English is becoming the worlds second language, if you already speak it then you already have a communcation channel with the world. It sounds arrogant but its not its simply fact.
I quite agree but don't you just wish sometimes you had paid more attention at school/college and learnt to be fluent in another language? I do.
I love this country, and call this my home, and will do so always, I think in english.

I am english just not caucasian/white. before the influx this country was a quiet old place wih not a lot to offer, I bet even you appreciate some foriegn implementations in this country and the imports from all around the world.

even english people go on holiday all over the world and on business and expect us to speak english, wtf
at least we try and do speak english in your country.

and for the record even though england is my home too, it is only a small country and with so little english in the whole world you do seem to be the most arrogant and egoistic, and also think you own the world.

How dare you call us names - you, the same as other foreign nationals, come to our country, complain how bad it is, but still hold your hand out for help because you cant get a job. You are quite willing to no doubt to accept all that OUR country offers you - social security etc. If by chance you and your kind are not happy here, please feel free to go home, then demonstrate there - let's see how long you survive. It has been stated many times that the Muslim community want to integrate into OUR way of living, but, it appears that that is not the case. I am all for immigration, but on strict rules.
Speaking the language and correct spelling is a start
How dare you call us names - you, the same as other foreign nationals, come to our country,

By the same token that you probably class all muslims/chinese/africans etc as being unwelcome trouble makers in this country.
How do you know he isn't 'second generation' and was born and bred in this country or if not, that he hasn't worked here for over, say, 15 years, paid taxes, NI etc and has only recently become unemployed for the first time in his life.
Stop being so bombastic and egotistical without knowing the facts behind a poster other than what he has said in previous posts.

And as regards your last comment re: spelling.
There are a lot of born and bred english people on here who can't spell properly.
There are a lot of born and bred english people on here who can't spell properly.

Exactly, and there's a previous post saying people should be able to spell and then went on to misspell Trafalgar. :rolleyes:
Speaking the language and correct spelling is a start
The last few years the Uk spelling competition has been won by,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
wait for it an Indian and Chinese in that order, the Indian twice tho.
Bit cheap if you ask me that attack. uncalled for.
Al you need to calm down a bit with your high horse stylee, it's not getting anywhere ;)
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