What type of heating system do I have?

2 Feb 2021
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United Kingdom
Hi there,

I’m keen to upgrade my Salus Rt500rf to a Drayton wiser system, but I don’t know which kit to get as I’m unsure about how many zones I have.

There is a zone valve (in picture) which is controlled by the Salus thermostat unit - I haven’t found any others. We also have polypipe ufh which has its own thermometers. The salus unit is connected to the mains, the valve and a grey wire that is a mystery to me....

We don’t have a separate water tank. We do have a Worcester cdi 30 green star combo boiler.

If I can find the right kit the upgrade should hopefully be straight forward. Any advice would be welcome.


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I’m not sure why you only have one zone valve. Any other thermostats for this set-up?
Normally with that system , you would have a thermostat and zone valve for downstairs and another for upstairs, what does the zone valve control ?
Thanks for your replies gents!

The downstairs is heated by under floor wet heating system which has two rf thermostats linked to the polypipe unit. Upstairs is radiator all controlled by one rf salus unit which is in the photo. The bit I want to replace is in the background.

I want to replace the salus with smart thermostat and put smart Trvs on radiatirs. Drayton wiser seems a good call but I don’t know if I’m a one channel (zone) or two zone house. Sorry I’m learning as I go.

Again thanks for taking the time to reply.
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What boiler/model is it?

UFH systems can put unique requirements on a system setup due to flow rates and temps.
It seems to me as if there’s x2 zones, but one zone valve, as the underfloor heating (if this is all of downstairs) is a separate zone. If you’re only wanting to upgrade the upstairs zone then just go for the one zone Wiser.
Thanks again for responding!

Rbranco - Worcester cdi 30 green star. It’s all working fine at the moment, but I want to replace the salus rt500rf which is pictured with something smart which I can couple with smart trvs.

chris - that would be ideal as it’s cheaper then the 2 zone (kit 3). I just want to be 100% re the three wires into the Salus unit. Im assuming the grey is power. the white signals the boiler and the black the zone valve. I can’t tell if that corresponds to the single channel kit 1 layout as I can only find guides for kits 2 and 3.

I might also have to move the pattress the salus is attached to as there’s not a lot of space around it to accommodate the larger smart controls...

I appreciate you taking the time to read and respond.
I just want to be 100% re the three wires into the Salus unit. Im assuming the grey is power. the white signals the boiler and the black the zone valve.
No that doesnt make sense, you should have 4 wires in the salus, a L&N and the switching wires for the thermostat, it may be that the installer used a short link between L&COM on the Salus, the Salus does not connect to the boiler anywhere, it opens the zone valve and the valve signals the boiler to fire
Afternoon Ian,

thanks for your response. I’ve included a picture with my original post. There are only three visible wires coming out of the pattress below the salus. A white cable which connects to the boiler, a black cable connecting to the zone valve and a grey wires which disappears into the wall. The salus is wireless so doesn’t have a hardwire connection from the thermostat...

The ufh has its own wireless thermostats so I’m not too bothered about being able to control them ... also I think that’s make the job too big for me as I’d need to upgrade/do something with the ufh.

I think I’ll order kit 1. I can always send it back
There are only three visible wires coming out of the pattress below the salus.
Those are not wires, they are CABLES not the same thing in any way and they mean nothing, it is what the WIRES inside the salus are connected to, and the colour of the wires mean absolutely nothing, except the colours of the wires inside the black cable from the valve

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