Our house is a stone built, c. 1900's - I guess you would cal lit chalet style with rooms built in the roof space with dormers, to a portion of the rooms have coombed ceilings.
I have topped up the insulation in the loft but there is no insulation running down the coombed ceilings. There is a gap of about 100mm between the plaster and lathe and underside of the roof boards - what would be the best insulation to slide down there?
I know I have to keep a gap for airflow - around 45mm? would the rigid polystrene boards of 50mm thick be of any benefit?
I have topped up the insulation in the loft but there is no insulation running down the coombed ceilings. There is a gap of about 100mm between the plaster and lathe and underside of the roof boards - what would be the best insulation to slide down there?
I know I have to keep a gap for airflow - around 45mm? would the rigid polystrene boards of 50mm thick be of any benefit?