What war crimes?

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"only 4 years for 300,000 murders, wake up mate"

There was no evidence that he was directly complicit in the murders. That is why the sentence was so light. He helped keep the camps running, hence the sentence.
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Did it take a four month trial to prove that? After all, he did plead GUILTY. Just a typical showboat trial.
Shouldn't that be 'just a typical U-Boat trial'...?

Did it take a four month trial to prove that? After all, he did plead GUILTY. Just a typical showboat trial.
At least we get the truth and the facts. Use your intellect man. A REAL trial with REAL people. Not the hoax clap-trap lies you insist upon repeating, with bad actors and poor editing. Use your intellect. See through the lies. You are brainwashed mate. Lose your hatred of the Jews and you will see the light.
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It's not working mate. Reverse psychology has its place but this isn't one of them. What I want you to tell me is where and when you became convinced that the holocaust actually happened. Think about it. How old were you? Who told you? Why did you believe it to the point that you are willing to think that genuine survivors are actors? You've got a really bad case of brain washing mate. I used to be a believer but I looked at the holocuast from both sides. When I did that I realised that it just couldn't have happened. You, however, have been brainwashed by your parents. Now tell me why you feel the need to believe in the holocaust to the point of psychosis. The REAL trial was the Birmingham 6 and the Guildford 4. They were REAL courts with REAL people - they also happened to be INNOCENT.
Now be a good little munchkin and let's go back in your history shall we. Let's see where you got it all messed up.
Answer my questions, please. There's a good chap.
BTW, Why do you keep saying 'Use your intellect, man'. It's something that I've been saying to you all along, and you've suddenly adopted it. Are you not able to make up your own terminology? Do you feel the need to follow others, rather than think freely? Are you really a sheep that can't think for himself? Is that your problem? Is that why you blindly follow what your parents told you?
Did it take a four month trial to prove that? After all, he did plead GUILTY. Just a typical showboat trial.
But,,,,,,,, If the holocaust didn't happen,, Why did this 94 yr old plead guilty? How can you plead guilty to something that never happened? (Old codger must have dementia or summat.) ;);)
Yes. False belief in something that happened (but didn't) is a well known condition. Note that he himself witnessed nothing.
Yes. False belief in something that happened (but didn't) is a well known condition. Note that he himself witnessed nothing.
Use your intellect Jokey. Why would an ageing German seek to be locked up in the very last years of his life?

Use your intellect man, a recent trial PROVED the holocaust happened.
What I want you to tell me is where and when you became convinced that the holocaust actually happened.
Answer my questions, please. There's a good chap.
Two days ago when the results of a public trial in Germany PROVED it happened.



Use your intellect man.
I note that you are still using my phrases. Do you have a problem thinking up your own?

Now answer the questions I set for you. Then you can tell me all about the court transcript. You have read it haven't you? You aren't just being a sheep again are you?

The reason the old fool came forward is for that very simple reason that he wanted to make peace with his God. Do you think that he is going to live forever?

Now so far, the only thing you can tell me about your beliefs is a show trial in Germany. Is that it? Is that all you've got? When did you FIRST start to believe? We can't move on unless we establish where your beliefs come from. Then, slowly but surely we can unravel the mess that is in your head.
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