What you are not being told.

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Yes, it's more nonsense. Unless you want to provide evidence for it?
You believe the government about the number of Covid deaths but not their number of Covid vaccine deaths...
The blokes a nutter. I see 'someone' from Iceland is commenting in one of his YouTube videos. Hmm, which quotation mark using conspiracy theory idiot on here with a link to Iceland could that be? :whistle:

"I wish there was one like you over here in Iceland in these times. Not one lawyer, not one doctor, not one scholar not one "scientist" not a word from anyone in ANY of or our media outlets pointing to the other side of this plandemic. It´s like the whole country is covered with "c19 agents". But I can think of plenty of reasons to sue our "controllers" but I doubt it would make any difference since even our judges are even a part of the gang that runs everything here. Democracy in Iceland? Laughable. I look up to you all, our friends in Germany, all your efforts are much appreciated. God bless".
Are you telling me that the UK government are lying to us regards the number of vaccine deaths?

Hee are the published figures, rows 10,11, 17 and 18.

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Check out the numbers yourself, hold a smartphone camera on the thing in the bottom corner, it will take you to the government site, you need to scroll down and find the attachments for the various vaccine companies and add all the deaths together, it's probably a few more by now..
number of Covid vaccine deaths..

let me rephrase that into reality....

"number of people that died shortly after having a covid vaccine, but not necessarily connected"
Check out the numbers yourself, hold a smartphone camera on the thing in the bottom corner, it will take you to the government site, you need to scroll down and find the attachments for the various vaccine companies and add all the deaths together, it's probably a few more by now..

no it wont -there are no deaths caused by covid vaccine, only deaths that happened after a covid vaccine.


  • upload_2021-6-7_12-41-2.png
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If you accept that approximately 600,000 people die each year in the UK, that will be 1643 deaths per day.

The vast majority will be the elderly, who will have had both vaccinations.

You would expect many many deaths, after vaccination, not from vaccinations.

Nothing to see here, move along please.
it will take you to the government site

Where it also says;

"Part of our continuous analysis includes an evaluation of natural death rates over time, to determine if any specific trends or patterns are occurring that might indicate a vaccine safety concern. Based on age-stratified all-cause mortality in England and Wales taken from the Office for National Statistics death registrations, several thousand deaths are expected to have occurred, naturally, within 7 days of the many millions of doses of vaccines administered so far, mostly in the elderly.

The MHRA has received 396 UK reports of suspected ADRs to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in which the patient died shortly after vaccination, 831 reports for the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca, 4 for the COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna and 22 where the brand of vaccine was unspecified. The majority of these reports were in elderly people or people with underlying illness. Usage of the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca has increased rapidly and as such, so has reporting of fatal events with a temporal association with vaccination however, this does not indicate a link between vaccination and the fatalities reported. Review of individual reports and patterns of reporting does not suggest the vaccine played a role in the death."
Anti vaxxers claim the Covid death numbers are wrong because dying within 28 days of a positive test does not mean you died of Covid.

You are now claiming that if you die after getting the vaccine then it must have been the vaccine that caused it. Do you not see the problem there?

What are you afraid of? Government figurs on the Yellow Card reporting system for Astra Zenica


  • IMG-20210607-WA0000.jpg
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If you accept that approximately 600,000 people die each year in the UK, that will be 1643 deaths per day.

The vast majority will be the elderly, who will have had both vaccinations.

You would expect many many deaths, after vaccination, not from vaccinations.

Nothing to see here, move along please.
If you accept that approximately 600,000 people die each year in the UK, that will be 1643 deaths per day.

The vast majority will be the elderly, who will have had both vaccinations.

You would expect many many deaths, after vaccination, not from vaccinations.

Nothing to see here, move along please.
I agree, but! When young fit and healthy people start dying from blood clots you need to start asking questions
Anti vaxxers claim the Covid death numbers are wrong because dying within 28 days of a positive test does not mean you died of Covid.

You are now claiming that if you die after getting the vaccine then it must have been the vaccine that caused it. Do you not see the problem there?

You can hardly call me an anti vaxxer, as a young teenager my father was posted to Singapore, we were vaccinated against yellow fever, malaria, TABT, and a few other things, 4 years later and I enlisted in the RAF where the vaccination program continued, this is not a vaccine, if you did a little research yourself and not listen to the Billgates Brainwashing Corporation you might actually learn something
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