When considering in or out:

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It's very strange that you are not interested in the torrent of foreign workers leaving the NHS since the Brexit vote

"2,700 EU nurses left the health service in 2016, compared to 1,600 EU nurses in 2014 – a 68% increase"

"Only 96 nurses joined the NHS from other European nations in December 2016 – a drop from 1,304 in July, the month after the referendum"

but you keep asking where they went to.

Obviously that is irrelevant to the fact that foreign workers are increasingly unwilling to work for the NHS since the Brexit vote.

Which is a problem.

But not one that you want to face up to.

I hope you aren't expecting those Daily-Mail reading pensioners with education of GCSE or lower to fill the gap.

Here's the Youth Wing of the Brexiteers at a recent mass rally


Looking on the bright side, if a harsh winter carries off one or two in fifty of them, the next referendum will be a walk-over.
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Well, thank you BAS for the "benefit of the doubt." Now if you please, I'll continue on the basis that you didn't really understand my question in my last post.. Here's the question.....
I understood the question.

I didn't realise that you couldn't work it out.
I understood the question.

I didn't realise that you couldn't work it out.
I'll take that as a "No I couldn't be bothered to look up what you were looking for" then (or is it an "I haven't a clue what the answer is , but it's lower than the other one.")
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It's very strange that you are not interested in the torrent of foreign workers leaving the NHS since the Brexit vote

"2,700 EU nurses left the health service in 2016, compared to 1,600 EU nurses in 2014 – a 68% increase"

"Only 96 nurses joined the NHS from other European nations in December 2016 – a drop from 1,304 in July, the month after the referendum"

but you keep asking where they went to.
Obfuscating again Johnny boy. Just answer the bloody question. Can you categorically state as fact, that these "Polish nurses" who have left the NHS, have left the UK ? A simple yes or no will suffice John, instead of all this bluster.

Obviously that is irrelevant to the fact that foreign workers are increasingly unwilling to work for the NHS since the Brexit vote.
Why do you say this? For all you know, these nurses may well have left because of parental responsibility? Health reasons? A million other reasons?? But no,, you only think they've only left because of Brexit. That's the only thing in your small mind that you can put it down to. You know, if North Korea declares war on the USA tomorrow, you'll be first on here blaming it all on Brexit.. Aliens land on the Whitehouse lawn? Brexit.. Astronomers discover the sun is about to go supernova? Brexit mate. Seems like you'd blame anything and everything on Brexit. Jeeeezus John, is there anything you're not prepared to blame on Brexit? I do hope your sidekick Nosey doesn't fluff his first tee shot in Marbella on his next golfing trip. That'll be firmly down to Brexit.
Oh Judy, what a silly man you are.

You are aware that foreign staff are increasingly unwilling to work in the NHS, and you know that this has become a problem since the Brexit vote, the government's refusal to reassure EU citizens that they will be able to stay, and the increase in xenophobic abuse, attacks and murders. You know that the ones already here are leaving in droves, and you know that recruitment has dried up. You know that this has happened since the Brexit vote.

Yet you are hoping somebody will come up with an excuse for you. Maybe you hope that the nurses, doctors and other essential staff have handed in their notice and left because they have all gone on holiday to Majorca. You even sneeringly refer to them all as "Polish Nurses."

But you know that's not an explanation. It doesn't matter to the NHS or to you where they've gone, they've left here because they're treated badly and are unwanted.

You know this has arisen since the Brexit vote.

You have seen and heard people commenting on how increasingly unwelcome foreigners now are.

You know that the government has been speaking of them as bargaining chips.

You can't think of an excuse yourself so you are trying to get me to give you one.

project fear still alive and kicking I see..
Today we should have kick off...

It's very strange that you are not interested in the torrent of foreign workers leaving the NHS since the Brexit vote
I think you will find DM readers will understand you better if you use their terms - i.e. 'swarms'.
Spotted this on Twitter. I give it 10/10 for mental gymnastics:

"I don't want a Brexit that leaves a united, functional UK - I want one that's a self-evident catastrophe so we stop it before it's too late."
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so do you think it is better to recognise and deal with problems, or do you prefer to close your eyes to them?
They were good enough for the smug and complacent, when they thought it was going to be a cert.
When they question is "Do we leave an economic and political union in which we have been for 44 years, and have all of the damaging, possibly extremely damaging, consequences" it is the CHANGE which should have required a better majority than 58-42.

Especially so, when the plebs vote "the wrong way".
I'm glad you agree that they did.
When they question is "Do we leave an economic and political union in which we have been for 44 years, and have all of the damaging, possibly extremely damaging, consequences" it is the CHANGE which should have required a better majority than 58-42.
But no matter how high the majority, the arguments against Brexit -that it will be damaging etc- remain the same. So what are you actually saying? That you're happy with poor choices when they have big majority support? Or you're not happy with really good choices if they only have minority support? Or what?
I'll take that as a "No I couldn't be bothered to look up what you were looking for" then (or is it an "I haven't a clue what the answer is , but it's lower than the other one.")
I guess you could take it that way. That would make sense, as it would be consistent with the kind of mental abilities not good enough to be able to work out 37.5 x 48/52.
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