When to start sowing grass seed

16 Sep 2004
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United Kingdom
I have a couple of bare patches on my lawn that I want to re sow. When can I put the grass seed down, is still too cold?

What sort of preperation do I need to do before sowing?
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blend the seeds in a good bake your own bread mix

within two months you will have a fine lawn, sprouting from the nether regfions
For a maintenance free lawn, use astroturf - frely available from local grocers when they're not looking.

April/may is a good time when the soil is starting to warm up
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For a maintenance free lawn, use astroturf - frely available from local grocers when they're not looking.

April/may is a good time when the soil is starting to warm up
WHAT? To nick Astro turf?
April/may is a good time when the soil is starting to warm up

thats your proper answer! apologies on behalf of the reprobates from the less civilised forums. :LOL:
oh dear, Im dreadfully sorry.
all I can say is swidders made me do it :oops:

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