White disadvantage?

Thanks. So your quote says the groups doing worst are

Irish Traveller (29%), Gypsy/Roma (33%) and White Irish (49%)

Yet these groups most in need are strangely neglected in your comments.

Why is this?
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Although this has been debunked a few times leftists and people of colour won't let it go.
Nonsense. What the articles actually state is that white privilege affects poor white people also.

It's no big secret except that it affects black people disproportionately.
Nonsense. What the articles actually state is that white privilege affects poor white people also.

No they don't.

It's all based on skin colour

What they state is that although there are poor white people their skin colour affords them a privilege to that of which black people don't have, supposedly.

Other than the fact it appears to be the opposite these days, people with black skin have the phrase "is it because I'm black" that affords them the right to shut down conversation and afford them luxuries, like being accepted and offered more help in higher education, or have special ethnic minorities only scholarships etc and even businesses are slowly being forced to ensure they achieve quotas based on diversity which means others more qualified are not getting jobs.

Why do companies or higher education need diversity quotas? I believe skin colour shouldn't even come into it, it should be done purely on merit. I don't agree with racism on any level, we should all be equal.
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Well, without resorting to what seems to have become the left wing default position of hurling insults at someone, please show me the phrases that make me a 'numpty
Your failure, both times is that you don't read or understand what you're reading.

SX had claimed the report said that the cause of these issues was that other racial groups were being funded more. It doesn't.

No one was objecting to the effect. You copy and pasting a huge section of text again ignored the cause.

Now, why does that make you a numpty?
a stupid or ineffectual person.
"confused numpties who have little idea of what they're talking about"
You didn't understand that when you said:
A quick flick through suggests SX is correct, lowest attainment figures other than travellers. Where are you reading otherwise?
You were making a point SX didn't make, one relating to effect rather than cause, and one I didn't mention either. That is why you were being a numpty, stupid or ineffectual.

SX had claimed the report said that the cause of these issues was that other racial groups were being funded more. It doesn't.

No I didn't.

I said there was more help offered to persons of colour.

Which is what this report states.

I never said it was the cause.

you've completely misinterpreted what I was saying,
No they don't.

It's all based on skin colour

What they state is that although there are poor white people their skin colour affords them a privilege to that of which black people don't have, supposedly.
No they don't.

our inquiry may help advance
a new way to discuss disadvantage without pitting different groups against each other.
You're utterly and completely wrong.
No they don't.

You're utterly and completely wrong.

I was discussing the term white privilege. No idea what your on about.

White privilege, or white skin privilege, is the societal privilege that benefits white people over non-white people in some societies, particularly if they are otherwise under the same social, political, or economic circumstance

The report states that more effort is made to support minority groups than those of poor white background.

I'm not sure why this is hard for people to grasp. The report just states that we shouldn't take focus away from poor white kids in favour of those from minority background.

Literally nothing wrong with saying that.
The report states that more effort is made to support minority groups than those of poor white background.
Really? Where? I don't think you'd read any of the report until I posted a link and I'd be surprised if you've skimmed it now. Because your description of the report is so wrong it's Trumpian.
To be clear, we care deeply about improving the educational attainment and life
opportunities of White working class children, alongside all disadvantaged children. But
to make recommendations which pit different groups within our multi-ethnic working
class against each other in a struggle for meagre resources is to do an injustice to our most
disadvantaged children, including specifically White communities that have been ‘left
Really? Where? I don't think you'd read any of the report until I posted a link and I'd be surprised if you've skimmed it now. Because your description of the report is so wrong it's Trumpian.

It's literally the premise of the report
It's literally the premise of the report
So, you can't quote anything and you haven't read it. Because that's not what it says.

Why link to other summaries when I've posted the actual report? You haven't read it, just one or two of them and are just parroting what they said.

Just disappointing really.
So, you can't quote anything and you haven't read it. Because that's not what it says.

Why link to other summaries when I've posted the actual report? You haven't read it, just one or two of them and are just parroting what they said.

Just disappointing really.

Because my conclusion is the same as that by pretty much every other publication.

Obviously you feel that poor white kids should be disadvantaged and not be afforded opportunities to assist them out of poverty
They want an angry uninformed public who will consistently vote against their best interests - its the playbook from America.

Poor Republicans in the South with no front teeth would rather go without universal healthcare if it means hispanics and blacks don't get universal healthcare either.

It's an illness.

Thank you for your contribution.
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