Why all the fuss about Rishi's wife?

I set out how off-shore companies could be targeted to pay more tax in the country they benefit from selling service to.

Oh, do you think so?

Where does she live?

Where does she own a home?

Where do her children go to school?

Where does her husband work?

Where does she go on holiday?

Are you suggesting she is guilty of tax evasion?
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I gave more than £40k away to just causes last tax year.

JohnD'ski thinks that I'm a dirty capitalist B@$t@rD for having $40k to give away.

He & his bitter & twisted mates would want me to live the life of a pauper. They want to reduce us all to the lives they lead.

I'm sorry for being wealthy JohnD'ski, I don't know why I am, I'm sure that for every £pound I earned you lost £5 in the process.

I am the reason why your life is miserable. I have all of this money because I took it off of you while you weren't looking. I'm "living the dream" while you're bury'ing your head in the bitterness of your perceived failure.

Are you so unhappy in your life JohnD'ski that you want everyone else to be equally as unhappy as you?

perhaps you should go and live in Sweden or Denmark.
2 countries which have far less inequality, far higher taxes for the rich.

Yet thy are countries which have high numbers of billionaires and millionaires per capita.
Are you suggesting she is not a tax-Dodger?

Are you suggesting that the UK should carefully construct its tax laws so that the richest inhabitants need not pay tax at the same rates as the rest of us?
NI increase that Boris wanted to stop or delay

no he didnt.

The Conservative govt need to funnel more money into the NHS so their mates can siphon it off by private healthcare contracts - yes, the Conservative party is full of Owen Patersons.
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She is the wife of a prominent Tory. Why is everyone shocked?

Greedy grasping Tory scum.
Are you suggesting she is not a tax-Dodger?
Depends on your definition of 'tax-dodger'. Tax evader or tax avoider? We're all guilty of the latter. Well, those of us that practice your model of avoidance and pay into a pension. Even those of us that have an accountant.
Are you suggesting she is not a tax-Dodger?

Are you suggesting that the UK should carefully construct its tax laws so that the richest inhabitants need not pay tax at the same rates as the rest of us?

Are you suggesting that we should abolish the rich, paint the world gray & eat only potatoes???
As it stands, she very much appears to be a non-dom.

And this I will say is wrong. As the wife of a prominent British MP who appears not to be in the process of being divorced or otherwise separated IMHO it shows that something is being fiddled. It doesn't reflect well on the husband, their relationship with each other or the country as a whole.

Me thinks it's time they sorted out their relationship or he resigns.
Investing in a private pension is a positive thing, it encourages planning for the future and reduces reliance on the state.

Everyone that pays into a pension avoids tax. Wealth is relative.

To someone on low pay, being able to pay into a pension and get tax relief at 40% makes you rich.

I'm sure that Rishi's wife pays a considerable amount of UK tax. Would we prefer that she avoided the UK and paid no tax here at all?

UK taxes are complex and designed to incentivise people to earn more whilst balancing that with making the better off pay more. Inevitably, there will be loopholes as there is no one size fits all tax, and that is what tax avoidance is all about.

Is it fair that those earning between £100k and £140k pay an effective tax rate of 60% which then drops to 45% above £140k. Is it dishonest for those who are going to get hit by that extra tax to try and find ways to avoid it, such as paying extra into their pension? Should those people be chastised for avoiding tax?
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Investing in a private pension is a positive thing, it encourages planning for the future and reduces reliance on the state.

Actually but not totally sure the gov has scope to tax excessive amounts in pension funds but that probably doesn't apply to a single individual's own totally private one.
All I know is that the Cons were very keen to push for Brexit after plans for the EU to introduce strict new tax rules to member states became known.
Rishi says it's a smear campaign and I agree with him.

Yes, Johnson is a notoriously dishonest campaigner, and habitually lies to the country, to Parliament, and to the Queen. Brexers love him.

Did you hear his story about £350 million a week for the NHS?

It's a bit more difficult for Sunak because (1) it's true and (2) his implication that foreign nationality makes it compulsory, isn't.

Both Johnson and Sunak are members of an organisation that has created a tax system enabling the rich to dodge tax.

So far they have avoided mentioning that fact.

Somebody recently said:

“In the end, we have somebody who’s been living here for eight years, raising her children here, living at No 10 Downing Street in accommodation provided by the taxpayer and aspiring to be the wife of the next prime minister, and yet she says that she isn’t a permanent resident of this country.”

Were they wrong?
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