Why are dummies so life like?

Kier does come across as a bit of a mannequin
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thats not a BLM kneel is it? or had they just finished their audition for strictly?

Yes, he was signaling his BLM credentials.

Here is signaling his Rainbow credentials along with his top team...


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Probably spat their Spoons brekkie into their rum and coke :ROFLMAO:

Clear evidence, if ever it were needed, that the Labour Party no longer represents the working man or less well off in society. Next you'll be calling people gammon. It's a champagne socialist party for plonkers in Islington, overpaid grifter lawyers and public sector workers, and the underclass on the dole.

It needs to be destroyed, along with the equally **** Tory party.
Clear evidence, if ever it were needed, that the Labour Party no longer represents the working man or less well off in society. Next you'll be calling people gammon. It's a champagne socialist party for plonkers in Islington, overpaid grifter lawyers and public sector workers, and the underclass on the dole.

It needs to be destroyed, along with the equally **** Tory party.

Shows how little you know of me and my habits (y)

I love a spoons, and have supported them on here - against those who both denigrate them yet admit to never setting foot in them either........

..... just not first thing in a Sunday morning ;)
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