Will Boris Survive The Day?

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This disgraceful man has no respect for the nation, Parliament, the electorate or the Queen.

He is well known as a dishonest liar.

The Conservative party thought he was the best candidate they had to lead the country.

What does that say about them?
Sadly the last two times he was sacked for lying, he wasn't surrounded by other lying sycophants.
The man before Slack
Cain served as the Downing Street Director of Communications from 2019 to 2020. In an article about the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when Johnson was hospitalised, it was commented that "Lee was running the country, genuinely, for quite some time."[9] In November 2020, Cain resigned from his position, and stated that he would leave office at the end of the year.[10][11] Cain had previously been mentioned as a possible selection for Downing Street Chief of Staff.[12]P
In 2021, Cain started his own PR communications agency, Charlesbye


People in this position seem to have similar backgrounds.
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It is the obvious fact that they thought the restrictions being imposed by themselves on everyone else were not necessary.

Perhaps they thought as they already worked together they could get away with some drinks after work. I'm not condoning what they did, it was obviously wrong, but I don't think it means what you are suggesting.

I still can't understand why most of the governments in the world acted as they did if it wasn't necessary.
Perhaps they thought as they already worked together they could get away with some drinks after work. I'm not condoning what they did, it was obviously wrong, but I don't think it means what you are suggesting.

I still can't understand why most of the governments in the world acted as they did if it wasn't necessary.
Common sense would suggest that if you've been working with a group of people all day, then socialising with the same group of people would be OK. But the rules did not allow for that.
And government representatives should obey the rules that they make irrespective of whether they think it might be OK to ignore them.

If say, a Catholic priest confessed his sins to another priest, and he was expected to say a few Hail Marys. It wouldn't be OK for him to think he needn't bother, because it doesn't make any difference.
If you make the rules, you live by them, however much they appear to go against common sense.
Perhaps they thought as they already worked together they could get away with some drinks after work. I'm not condoning what they did, it was obviously wrong, but I don't think it means what you are suggesting.
Nope, that doesn't explain why they ignored the restrictions that they imposed for others.

I still can't understand why most of the governments in the world acted as they did if it wasn't necessary.
I know you can't.
It is the obvious fact that they thought the restrictions being imposed by themselves on everyone else were not necessary.

one of the parties was to celebrate Johnson recovering from ICU

So if they thought they were unnecessary they were clearly thick as the evidence was staring them in the face
I still can't understand why most of the governments in the world acted as they did if it wasn't necessary.

do you mean all gov people had parties ;)

It's blisteringly obvious. Any health system in any country can only cope with so many people at any one time. When they are coping and as it turns out with covid far more people recover than die. People get in due to low blood oxygen levels due to breathing difficulties. If those go too low the first step appears to be a coma. If it carries on death. End result if people don't get in a lot more death. Danger ages go down to ~30 based on the number of those that have been in at times.

Looks line Omicron carries some bad news. Vaccines less effective over time. Hence the booster "panic". Also the performance of 2 Az jabs. Pf is better against Delta. At some point neither are terribly good against Omicron. I did wonder when there was a surge in London. Anyway sounds like restrictions will be ended on the 28th unless Boris wants to upstage Wales. Testing results are seen as dubious for various reasons but hospitalisation is falling in London so others will follow.

Booster effectiveness not really enough info as yet especially over time. Looks good currently. Find the vaccine effectiveness report yourselves. They have just added an Omicron section.

The PHE report doesn't hold much new really. Deaths seem to be around ~1000 / week and stablish. ICU/HDU much the same but looks like more very old may be making it to there. Usual culprits in there age wise,
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