Wind turbines

24 Sep 2005
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United Kingdom
Who said this? What do they know?

...studies investigated
the size of contribution that wind farms make
towards guaranteed capacity. Both studies
separately came to virtually identical conclusions,
that wind energy currently contributes to the
secure production capacity of the system, by
providing 8% of its installed capacity...

...As wind power capacity rises, the lower availability
of the wind farms determines the reliability
of the system as a whole to an ever increasing
extent. Consequently the greater reliability of
traditional power stations becomes increasingly
As a result, the relative contribution of wind
power to the guaranteed capacity of our supply
system up to the year 2020 will fall continuously
to around 4%...
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Never mind, we've got lots of oil.
In other words wind turbines are no good because it isn't windy all the time. A poor argument against building them.
The question remains...

Who said it and what do they know??

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there is a nice wind turbine beside the M25 near kings langley, its nice because it lights up and changes colour at night and its nowhere near me.
The question remains...

Who said it and what do they know??


E.ON Netz Gmbh

They probably know most as Germany has the most Wind Power Stations in the world

Yep, The following is worth a read if interested in wind turbines...

Halkema quotes from E.ON Netz Wind Report 2005

Hows about the power the (larger) turbine itself requires?

Another resource for real time data...
See Massachusetts Maritime Academy 993,318 kWh from single 660 kW turbine over 1 year (favourabley positioned ) 17% output, if only we could accumulate that output then feed it at a steady rate...

Costing us ... Government.htm
They should put one in front of Softus' gob, shoud generate a couple of megawatts.
How about one mounted on a trailer and tied to Joe 90s 4rse, that would come in handy when "the oil runs out".
The end of the world is nigh.,
They should put one in front of Softus' gob, shoud generate a couple of megawatts.
How is wind from Softus' gob going to generate more of me? ;)
Never mind, we've got lots of oil.

Indeed "we" do first large find off the Brazilian coast for over a decade this year.

How many decades will it power the world for?

Who knows, all the world is bleating about is that easily extractable oil "may" have peaked.

We aren't talking decades are we? Just months.
And as for oil peaking - it's only after the event that it is apparent. If not this year then next. They are talking about petrol at £2.50 per gallon before long.
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