Wind turbines

3 Nov 2006
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Would you please consider this petition and if you agree please sign it.

I accept the need for alternative sources of energy. But I cannot accept that heavily subsidising wind farms is the right way to obtain electricity.

My main objections are

[1] the source is not reliable.

[2] the subsidies given to set up a wind farm mean the operator and land owner can make a large profit while not providing reliable power.

The originator of the petition has written this

We agree with the need to find methods to prevent climate change affecting our environment but this must be done with the full support of the public. No attempt can be successful if it destroys the very environment that we hope to save. We call for support for renewable energy projects that are NOT divisive in nature. We call for greater subsidies to small/personal micro-generation schemes such as solar heating. The major mechanism for reduction in CO2 and other greenhouse gasses must be responsible cooperation with the public, NOT imposition of unwanted areas of policy that threaten many households. On-shore wind farms may (when subsidised with public funds) provide large profits to multi-national corporations but their contribution to CO2 reduction is small when weighed against the savings that are possible IF the public feel that they are part of the solution and not having to fight against it!

Bernard Green
Consultant / Proprietor
Syemon Electronic Solutions

edit to include the originator's text
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Noseall: You know all those daft thoughts you have flying around inside your head? You're typing them in your replies ;)

The OP isn't arguing for fossil fuels which is clear if you read the post?
esra_ptrap said:
Noseall: You know all those daft thoughts you have flying around inside your head? You're typing them in your replies ;)

The OP isn't arguing for fossil fuels which is clear if you read the post?

Correct. I want to see fossil fuels phased out and other sources brought on line. But only when the new sources are rational thought out and not the result of emotional and commercial pressure.

It was recently calculated to ensure the UK had continuous electricity from wind power for the full loading over 95% of the year it would require about 150 million turbines spread around the UK to ensure that enough turbines were in the acceptable operation range of wind speed for 95% of the year.

That is a lot of turbines
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The way forward, IMO, is nuclear. But we'd need a LOT less nuclear plants if every home in the UK fitted PV cells or a turbine and batteries.
France seems to be doing okay with nuclear ... We'd need somewhere to dump our waste though ... Brussels get's my vote :LOL:
I'm quite happy with Wind farms. My opinion that is if person A complains that they spoil the view from his window, his pain should be balanced against all the other people who currently suffer huge chimneys and cooling towers, and the pollution resulting.

I don't know what the subsidy is, do you?
but tall chimneys dont make noise, wind farms do (so i am told)

there is a nice one near kings langley on the M25, its nice because

a, its not near me

b, at night it changes colour (well ok the lights lighting it change colour)

useless but true.

do you know what really screws up a wind turbine?


honest, seen it on tv, as the blades go round flies stick to them just like they do to your bumper etc, this makes the turbine less efficant.

the solution was to fit a jet wash to each turbine
esra_ptrap said:
Noseall: You know all those daft thoughts you have flying around inside your head? You're typing them in your replies ;)

The OP isn't arguing for fossil fuels which is clear if you read the post?

i was just trying to emphasize the word RELIABLE.

i think in the future we won't be able to rely on a single source of power at all. for the past century we have been in a comfort zone with fossil fuels, and for the most part, being able to flick a switch and take for granted, a light will come on.

wind turbines, wave energy, solar you name it, we will be grabbing for it with both hands.
noseall said:
wind turbines, wave energy, solar you name it, we will be grabbing for it with both hands.

is that where the long arm of the law comes in handy?
I thought it amusing.

you said

noseall said:
wind turbines, wave energy, solar you name it, we will be grabbing for it with both hands.

well, since turbines are high up, you can't reach them, but as you said grab it with both hands, i thought that you may need the long arm (of the law) to help you grab it with both hands.

ok, i will get my coat

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