Wooden Ceiling and appliances fitted into them not good i know.
Does anyone out there know of any products that would act as a heatshield , suitable. I am trying to avoid replacing the wooden dropped ceiling with plasterboard. Either a heat proof barrier or maybe cut out and replace a suitable amount of ceiling with Plasterboard around each light. 12v 35W Dichroic lights. 1mm cable on the secondary side 500mm - 1000mm lengths of this secondary side cable.
Does my q make sense, any suggestions
You may say replace the whole ceiling but a lot of work has in the past gone on around the edgese with decorative Cornice etc so you will see why i am trying to avoid a whole new ceiling.
I want to be totally safe
Thanks very much
Wooden Ceiling and appliances fitted into them not good i know.
Does anyone out there know of any products that would act as a heatshield , suitable. I am trying to avoid replacing the wooden dropped ceiling with plasterboard. Either a heat proof barrier or maybe cut out and replace a suitable amount of ceiling with Plasterboard around each light. 12v 35W Dichroic lights. 1mm cable on the secondary side 500mm - 1000mm lengths of this secondary side cable.
Does my q make sense, any suggestions
You may say replace the whole ceiling but a lot of work has in the past gone on around the edgese with decorative Cornice etc so you will see why i am trying to avoid a whole new ceiling.
I want to be totally safe
Thanks very much