Young ones don't remember the three day week !!!

And who was in power The Damn Conservatives

Yes, you were right the first time

And here you are dragging up the history of Conservative failure to achieve good industrial relations.

You must have had your orders from Conservative Central Office to start the propaganda for the imminent General Election, when Theresa's Coalition of Chaos collapses into dust.

You're not very good at it, are you?
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These things were nothing to do with Labour v. Conservative or party politics. It's wasn't a left-right issue, it was a socialism issue (which can be both Left or Right, remember the Nazis?). It is a basic economic fact that central planning of large economies simply doesn't work long term. It merely drains whatever wealth had previously been built up, until finally it collapses and you are forced to reset. Then you get some boom years, wealth grows, and then the ecomonic ignorami start calling for socialism again. We're seeing that happen right now with the rise of Corbynism. Twas ever thus.
Surely you don't think that bad industrial relations are to be admired.
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Yes, you were right the first time

And here you are dragging up the history of Conservative failure to achieve good industrial relations.

You must have had your orders from Conservative Central Office to start the propaganda for the imminent General Election, when Theresa's Coalition of Chaos collapses into dust.

You're not very good at it, are you?

You might mock Theresa's coalition of chaos, but Labour couldnt get enough votes to aspire to a minority coalition of chaos
Are you sure it is Theresas coalition? Seems to me she is just a bit player and certainly not in charge.

Nevertheless, Labour still didnt win, could not get enough votes for even a minority party.

and whilst Jeremy Corbyn is head of the momentum party is in charge, he can hardly be said to have the full support of the whole party. The moderates are biding their time
Please keep up your silly attacks and smears. They're having a great effect.

This was the time when the hospital catering union walked out of hospitals on strike , relatives had to take food in to the hospitals for patients.

Transport workers came out on strike . for an 18% pay rise .

Toilet rolls were in short supply, & many had to improvise

The Johnnie factories went on strike so they had to be washed out after use & recycled

was Chaos :)
Thanks, I will.


that made me laugh!

After deriding the opposition with their 'coalition of chaos' slogan, the Tories then have to go cap in hand a bunch of creationist, climate change deniers.

Irony :unsure:
But as John Mcdonnell suspects there'll be a run on the pound if they get in, the 3 day week, may look a tad optimistic this time round.
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