Young 'uns having the vaccine.

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
My daughters fiancé, 39, got the call up and had his vaccine a few weeks ago. Yesterday, my daughter, 32, was at her GP's and asked if she would be getting it. They arranged for it to be done today at the surgery. Pfizer. When they asked for her card, she said she didn’t have one as it was her first jab and they were surprised - they told her they had almost finished giving the 30+ year old age group their second jabs. That’s in Winchmore Hill, N.London. I thought they had stopped at the over 40’s?

Anyone else heard of the relatively young getting it? What area are you in?
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Anyone else heard of the relatively young getting it? What area are you in?
I'm still waiting for my follow-up jab.

Oddly, I'm not au fait with many in the age group you mention. People I associate with are well above that age or well below. I'm hoping and keeping everything crossed in that we (the UK) have our bases covered in terms of the vulnerable oldies being inoculated and we are in a good position Covid wise.

India and all its horrors are a stark reminder of just how lethal this disease is.
There are some districts where take-up is poor.

Vaccinating whoever wants it locally will improve the proportion of immunity in the district, which will also help the antivaxxers, and the immunised people will have protection from infection spread by the unvaccinated.

A few days ago I was walking by a vaccination centre and passed an older couple arguing with one of the volunteers. They had no appointment but had arranged to go on holiday and had suddenly changed their minds.
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There are some districts where take-up is poor.

Vaccinating whoever wants it will improve the proportion of immunity in the district, which will also help the antivaxxers, and the immunised people will have protection from infection spread by the unvaccinated.

Given the spread of three Indian variants in the UK and the fact that they seem to be spreading faster than the now standard British variant it's still very important to keep rolling out the vaccine. The US has started to stall it's rollout due to vaccine hesitant groups and a lack of urgency.

We're not safe yet, I'd rather we pushed back reopening by another two weeks or more as SAGE recommends to allow the vaccination level to get to the point where a third wave would be unlikely.
G/f is 37 hasn't been offered yet. I was genuinely on the fence if she should have it, but we got chatting to a couple of 30 year old nurses at a cafe and both felt it was wise to do it. I think she will go for it as she wants to travel. Officially its still over 40s for bookings.

Supposed to be going out to Greece this year, but might bin off foreign travel until the autumn. Though I suspect we will be in some sort of lockdown again then.
I'm 35 wife 36 and we haven't been offered as yet.

We do have friends who are late 30's early 40's who have been offered the jab
On Thursday the French Minister of Culture said that some restrictions will ease as from 19 May in France:
Face to face teaching, including singing can resume for children and adults, but only in individual lessons, and lessons with no contact involved.
From 9 June dance teaching, (still without contact) can be resumed for children and adults.
From 1 July all music, dance and art teaching can resume, with no restrictions.

Amateur rehearsals can resume as from 19 May, by applying existing protocols.

From 1 July public performances can resume. (Between 19 May and 1 July public performance can resumes but with reduced seating capacity)
From 1 July there will be no more restrictions.

All of this is subject to official pronouncements.​
Well I'm now over the eligible age to get jabbed...

Still ain't having it! (y)
I'm still waiting for my follow-up jab.

Oddly, I'm not au fait with many in the age group you mention. People I associate with are well above that age or well below. I'm hoping and keeping everything crossed in that we (the UK) have our bases covered in terms of the vulnerable oldies being inoculated and we are in a good position Covid wise.

India and all its horrors are a stark reminder of just how lethal this disease is.

Poor Indians have arrest warrants issued for telling the truth about their conditions.

Mad Right Wingers in power are a threat to us all. They even refused oxygen supplies from Pakistan - all for political reasons. Madness. Yet Modi has a high approval rating.
Well, I had my second jab an hour ago so I've done my bit for myself, my family and society in general. (y)
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On Thursday the French Minister of Culture said that some restrictions will ease as from 19 May in France:
Face to face teaching, including singing can resume for children and adults, but only in individual lessons, and lessons with no contact involved.
From 9 June dance teaching, (still without contact) can be resumed for children and adults.
From 1 July all music, dance and art teaching can resume, with no restrictions.

Amateur rehearsals can resume as from 19 May, by applying existing protocols.

From 1 July public performances can resume. (Between 19 May and 1 July public performance can resumes but with reduced seating capacity)
From 1 July there will be no more restrictions.

All of this is subject to official pronouncements.​
I have been on the edge of my seat waiting for this.
Sleepless nights over.
Thanks for the info!
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