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If you were a young Muslim and read this sort of thread would you be more or less likely to feel alienated and aggressive?

I'm afraid that alienated or not, aggression seems to be a default condition for many of them. I don't really care about their feelings. Many other nationalities and cultures have had tough beginnings in their own and adoptive countries. Other migrants didn't start throwing their weight around as soon as they landed, expecting special treatment and everyone to pussy-foot around their religion. Others assimilated, took the knocks and got on with it.

As someone else pointed out on here - they don't seem to like us or our culture. They don't seem to be able to make a go of it in their own countries and struggle in an alien culture when migrating to other countries. Especially one that is still a Christian democracy. They will always be a problem wherever they are.
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Muslims hate jews-we gave jews Israel=muslims hate the west.Look at the history of the eastern conflicts.A good start is a book by Jonathan Riley Smith The Crusades,Christianity,and Islam.A fascinating insight.
My uneducated guess is that the perentage will rise. ROP have large families, 10 kids isn't unusual. This is borne out by the fact that the most popular boys' name here is now Mohamed. As they grow up in a society that they are culturally uneasy with or unsuited to and poss become disaffected due to lack of opportunities, they are prone to radicalisation.

This is worse in France, where they have a higher ROP population who live in vast, ghettos - but due to their birth rate, the problem is increasing here.[/QUOTE]

Scary. This information pretty much confirms that there really is a take-over in progress.

Today, many no-go areas that are, in effect, small independent muslim republics.

10% of France is muslim.
Once it gets to 20% their fooked.

Good news for UK muslims. 48% of Brits want to get out of the country.
Bad news for UK muslims. Who will fund the generous welfare state that feeds and clothes them?

Certainly, if I were younger and had children, I should be off.

However, I find it both sad and ridiculous that a once proud and civilised country could be taken over by stealth in this way.

Assuming that a future muslim UK could support itself (there must be many productive muslims as well as those who come here for the benefits), I cannot imagine that anyone other than muslims would want to live here.

I believe that, logically, the eventual outcome would be Britain becoming another Egypt or Iraq. Yes, I know it sounds unbelievable, but give it time.
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"..."A German's View on Islam" by Dr. Emanuel Tanay-Fiction!
Summary of the eRumor:
This is a forwarded article alleged to have been written by Dr. Emanuel Tanay called "A German's View on Islam."

Allegedly the Truth:
Dr. Emanuel Tanay is real and a holocaust survivor but he did not write this article, nor is he German.

This is an opinion piece that appeared on the blog of Paul Marek, on February 21 2006, under the title of "Why the Peaceful Majority is Irrelevant." The article was picked up by the Israel National News and appeared the publication in March 2007..."
Alleged first post by Paul M here :-
A Churchillian speech may be quoted - best check what may be left out of the quote...

The problem with being in any silent majority is that as a lone individual you feel powerless to stop what you see as being wrong.

Why not band together and show us all what the really feel. Individual journalists and others (under threat of death) are prepared to step up to the line and condemn what is happening.

There is nothing to stop them from peaceful demonstrations with placards condemning the minority. Unfortunately, the only placards we see are:

I think that this is the tip of the iceberg. We have more to see from this ongoing religious conflict between East and West. The really worst thing is that peaceful civilians will hurt the most from all this bull***t. RIP
A solution


its very hard to be killed by anyone in the middle east whilst standing in central London.

Freedom of speech are what the chattering classes are championing now but stand on any street corner in the U.K and state the ethnic origins of the latest attackers and arrest quickly follows, wheres freedom of speech there.

A solution


its very hard to be killed by anyone in the middle east whilst standing in central London.

Freedom of speech are what the chattering classes are championing now but stand on any street corner in the U.K and state the ethnic origins of the latest attackers and arrest quickly follows, wheres freedom of speech there.


Can you give examples of these arrests?
The problem with being in any silent majority is that as a lone individual you feel powerless to stop what you see as being wrong.

Why not band together and show us all what the really feel. Individual journalists and others (under threat of death) are prepared to step up to the line and condemn what is happening.

There is nothing to stop them from peaceful demonstrations with placards condemning the minority. Unfortunately, the only placards we see are:


Not true that they are the only placards....
Fascinating for me that despite the lessons of history, many people react to extremism and terrorism in exactly the way that the terrorists want.

They want a reaction from the mainstream that alienates their moderate majority.

IRA did this, Al Qaeda the same.

Does anyone here see merit in a more considered reaction in order to isolate extremists rather than play into their hands?
The problem with being in any silent majority is that as a lone individual you feel powerless to stop what you see as being wrong.

Why not band together and show us all what the really feel. Individual journalists and others (under threat of death) are prepared to step up to the line and condemn what is happening.

There is nothing to stop them from peaceful demonstrations with placards condemning the minority. Unfortunately, the only placards we see are:


Not true that they are the only placards....[/QUOTE]

Well, I can see a poster on the side of a bus! Where are the hordes of people carrying placards proclaiming their anger at muslim terrorism?
Where are the hordes of people carrying placards

I take it you mean Muslims and as a protest? Why should they. it has nothing to do with them. Similarly when the IRA set a bomb off you wouldn't expect hordes of Catholics carrying banners.
You aren't doing anything except typing nonsense on a diy forum.
As a matter of interest which political group would you most identify with. Ukip, bnp, edl, britain first or another one
Does anyone here see merit in a more considered reaction in order to isolate extremists rather than play into their hands?
There is a lot of merit in a considered reaction.

Publicity benefits the terrorists. Unfortunately the media will always make the most of the situation when it would be better to not give publicity to the terrorists and the search for them. The internet also allows the news to be spread and makes it impossible for the security services to keep the media silent.
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