No mention of the bomber?

23 Feb 2005
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United Kingdom
Or have mods deleted the thread (if there was one) already due to certain 'opinions'

I've been browsing the "SPEAK YOUR BRAINS" page on the BBC news site. Most entertaining! Actually if some of this lot were blown up it would do wonders for the gene pool :LOL:

The big question is:

Should Airport Security Get Tougher

Oh, Geroge! We're still beating around that Bush!

Why don't we go to probe the cause for those who commit air-crimes? Learn from the one from Tel Aviv to Entebbe. Air-crimes are retributions. Actual cause is on land, I say our Holy Land. The caged there dig tunnels and the cager uses air in a cat-rat chase/race antic they do it for 60 years.

Arrest it to avoid the rest in awkwards happening around. You allow one there to do what it wants in pretexts and the nasty other takes cues from it.
Taking Queue

I s'pose the answer is yes but shouldn't security start with ACTING on intelligence? Innocent victims should understand and most of them will be from a different make of islam anyway. (Deliberate small "s"; they will need to earn a big one!)
Chris Essex, Romford

No just get tougher on Terrorists - treat them as enemy agents and have them executed after a Court Martial. hey want to die for the cause we can obllige them-and please dont give me the rubbish about martyrdom-thats just a feeble wishy washy excuse for the spineless people who wont do the job theyre elected to do. That is protect our country
Richard Gray, Manchester

I think all person getting on a air plane should be tested with some Psy test like MMPI test I am aware that one can not lie on this test
the FED should make one test to test for people that want to kill other. what more could be done. people like that that want to kill should be locked up for ever.
Michael, Philadelphia

I am happy for stringent security checks at airports but I am saddened that some UK airports are turning security into revenue generation opportunities and are more keen to sell you the "right sort" of plastic bag for your liquids than properly checking the contents of hand luggage.

We are forced to live with these people, soon level headed thinking people will refuse to fly with these sucpected Terrorists.
Once again U.K. wake up to who you let come and live in the U.K.
James Sibanda, Peterborough

No, but security services staff who fail to take action should be fired and/or charged with manslaughter if deaths occur.
Edward James, Southport

The last time I went on a plane I had to to take my belt and shoes off to comply with airport security. If we now have to strip to to our undies to board a plane because of this latest incident, this guy needs to pay for it - with his life.
Lloyd Belle, Nottingham, United Kingdom

But surely if they stopped him, doesn't that mean our exsisting proceedures work?

As tough as they can make it as long as it stops just one terrorist getting on a plane to kill hundreds of people and while they are at it how about tougher laws on terrorism the death penalty needs bringing back for these carriers of death who have the one aim to kill no matter how many people if a vote on this was brought in today the death penalty would be with us without a doubt what makes these politicians baulk at this deliberate act of terrorism.

No but governments should be responsible for their citizens and be more careful to whom they issue passports.
Passports are far too easily obtained. legally as well as illegally.
Edward Dowty, Kings Lynn, United Kingdom
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On the news yesterday it said that airports were stepping up their security.

Is it not at maximum level anyway? :confused:
maybe they were hoping the bomb would go off :eek:
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Why give them publicity?
Fills column inches innit.

And besides, creating hysteria is what the British press is good at. Just read the daily mail. :rolleyes:

Do these people not have anything better to do that blow up planes for religious reasons? What have planes got to do with religion anyway? Morons.

A British man has been sentenced to death in China for trying to smuggle heroin. Whilst I think this is slightly harsh for the offence commited, this is the sort of sentences that we need.

Stuff the human rights act - thats the sort of **** we dont need.
Manning and great should not appear in the same paragraph never mind the same line.

Steve said:
Fills column inches innit. And besides, creating hysteria is what the British press is good at.

Just read the daily mail. :rolleyes:

personally Id really rather not, tried it once, I think the mental damage was only minimal :confused:
Steve said:
Fills column inches innit. And besides, creating hysteria is what the British press is good at.

Just read the daily mail. :rolleyes:

personally Id really rather not, tried it once, I think the mental damage was only minimal :confused:

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown had written to express his dismay over SPC's final sentence, said a Downing Street spokesman.
Oh great, by the time they've finished deciphering his handwriting, hangman will be 6ft below.
That such a bad thing for a drug smuggler?
Having read a bit about the bloke concerned, there does seem to be e legitimate case for extenuating circumstances in this case.
Depends if you believe the story. Suppose every drug smuggler has a story. :rolleyes:
This is one of those incidences of reasonable "doubt" which causes such consternation regarding the death penalty.
Thinking about the alternative to the death penalty, would you rather spend life in jail for something you didnt do or should be excused for, or be dead?

Anyway, lets not get onto the death penalty. It should only be used (where it is used) in cases where there is undeniable proof. End of. Moving on . . .
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