Reliable firewall and site blocker

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Hello everybody

I'm now looking for some firewall software and a way of blocking certain sites to my kids (one of them has a penchant for Googling for b**bies....).

I intend to use AVG for anti-virus protection and have used Norton in the past, but it seems to conflict with everything else, so I uninstalled it in disgust.

What paid-for or free software would you recommend?

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You could try this via Internet Explorer (if you use it of course)- Internet Options.
Have no idea how effective it may be... Select the category and move the slider along.

Click here for...Information about using Microsoft Internet Explorer's Content Advisor...


Forget the inbuilt explorer 'protection'.
Google have a free safe search system with password protected parental control which you can activate.
Net Nanny seems to be the big player in the market and most reviews support this.
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Ditch AVG for Microsoft? Don't think so. MS are trying to buy into the security market but the current companies like AVG, Avast, Kaspersky are better.

Windows firewall is a pain in the arse and I would prefer something like Comodo, which is free, over Windows even Zonealarm Free would be a better option.
Ditch AVG for Microsoft? Don't think so. MS are trying to buy into the security market but the current companies like AVG, Avast, Kaspersky are better.

Windows firewall is a pain in the a**e and I would prefer something like Comodo, which is free, over Windows even Zonealarm Free would be a better option.

AVG is bloated and slows PCs up. Avira is the best but has very slow updates MSE is very good light on resources and has a Spyware resident sheild as well. Avast is on par with MSE. Please do some research before stating something is rubbish when its not.

There nothing wrong with windows firewall (especially if you take the time to set it up), I can't see how its a pain in the arse when compared to Comodo! Comodo never shuts up. PCTools Firewall is better if you *must* install a thrid party firewall. Zonealarm free is shocking and you need to have a word with yourself for suggesting it. Please read:

Please note I only talk about free software.
Who said it was rubbish? Please read the posts.

MSE is average in rooting out viruses and poor in keyloggers and other malware. That's just a fact not an opinion. It is updated frequently but it's yet to be seen how it works in a mature market, it's no better than AVG IMO.

I've used Comodo, Windows Firewall (briefly because I like to have more control than it offered) and Zonealarm. Zonealarm was a breeze to set up and never had problems with it but was bloaty. Comodo was very technical but I didn't mind. Windows was neither and interfered with other system settings that weren't clear.

I only use free software when it's as good as paid software for my needs.
AV-Test seem to think MSE is quite good. Set and forget, I've been using it for as long as its been out never had any problems, plus the spyware shield is a bonus.

Zonealarm free is rubbish fact. PCTools Firewall is as good as Comodo with a lot less hassle. With a hardware firewall ie a router windows firewall is less hassle than both and offers loads of control if you know how to use it. And its set and forget.

And if you didn't say rubbish you implied it but dimissing MSE out of hand. If MS are so bad why are you using their OS?
I haven't implied that is was rubbish. I don't agree to ditch AVG for another, would be fair to say at this moment unknown, security software.

I use Vista for example because it came with this pc and suits its purpose, on my other pc's I run Linux, XP and OS/400 at work. I will use whatever software and operating system that suits what I want to use the hardware for.

Just opinions, you don't have to agree with them just accept they may be different from yours.
I use Avira Premium Security Suite and have done for 2-3 years and by the grace of the free registration key have never had to pay for it yet (though that might come to an end at some point - as all good things do)

I use it for antivirus, has a firewall and also has parental controls though I've never used them. It is very good at blocking any dodgy sites though (though sometimes it seems to block sites that I wouldn't have thought were dodgy but really couldn't say cos it blocks them!!!!)
Any internet filtering software can be easily bypassed by use of a web proxy and yes children do know how to use them!

yes it indeed can, and its almost impossible to keep on top of, I work in a school, and we have a dedicated education ISP that sorts this out, but every couple of weeks the kids find a new proxy that has slipped through.

best one a few weeks ago wasn't a bypass at all, but to use the IP of the website you wanted, not the web address.
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