P.I.T.T. manouver?

16 Feb 2007
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West Midlands
United Kingdom
would this work on an electric / hybrid car?

it works on regular cars by causing the engine to stall from what I understand, and possibly by stripping the gears since it suddenly reverses the direction the wheels are traveling ( by spinning the car around to face the other way for those that might not know.. )..

I don't keep up with car technology since as long as it goes when I turn the key I don't care how it works..

do electric / hybrid cars have gears or are the motors direct drive onto the wheels?
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i think its more to do with breaking traction and unsetteling the car to spin or cause excessive pendulum/weaving unsetteling the driver in a controled safe manner giving the police vehicle the upper hand to pin them in
Not sure it would make any difference to be honest whether the vehicle is hybrid or electric.

Once the rear starts to slide you are pretty much out of it, unless you are very very talented driver
Yes a Prius etc car would be disabled exactly the same way...

However a BMW, with runflat tyres, if it ran over a spikestrip, would the conclusion be the same?
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Yes a Prius etc car would be disabled exactly the same way...

However a BMW, with runflat tyres, if it ran over a spikestrip, would the conclusion be the same?

The runflat tyres are designed to get you home and keep the tyre on the rim.

The run flat tyres have a hardened tyre wall which keep the tyre in the inflated postion. If they where to go over spike strip the vehicle would still be able to drive pretty well up to a speed of approx 50 mph (ish). They would eventually give in and collapse.

There are better designed run flat tyres around now but they would still collapse eventually after driving hard at speed
I guess Cj is having a lie in so I'll help you there.

I don't no! :cry:
seems I've added an extra T..
it's P.I.T. = Persuit Intervention Technique..
the police nudge the rear of your car sideways causing you to spin out..

I take it DM had something nasty to say about me again since he posted after the mention of my name?
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