Energy saving

All of this Global Warming/CO2 stuff will all be forgotten about when the Fusion problem is cracked.
So all of the burning of fossil fuels will be forgotten and we will no longer be dependant on Oil, Coal, or Gas and we can all heat and light our homes without a thought to Man Made Global Warming.
Just what we will do with all of the Helium I haven't thought about yet.
Another thing to remember is that burning Methane/Natural gas is a good thing for the Planet as Methane is a far greater threat to the Green House effect than CO2,(I think it is ten times worse than CO2) so burning Methane will save us all from overheating and all done whilst we wait for the Fusion wonder world.

Just think, when the fusion problem is cracked and mini fusion reactors developed for mobile use in cars, you will buy a car that will never need refuelling and when you buy it, it will include all the energy it will ever need. The only problem I have with this Utopia is that I will be dead and buried before it happens, so I may as well burn up all of the methane I can so it never gets into the atmosphere, just for the sake of my Grand children you understand.

Did some work in Culham recently where the reactor is. Had a very interesting a long chat with a prof. Lady who suggests we are 20 years away. . At the moment they use more power than they generate but they are nearing the balance point
There is a new larger one being built in Europe which will move the game on so they are slowly getting there
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Do we really, REALLY know for sure that man's activities contribute to climate change?
Yes. Apart from a few nutters who refuse to accept it, or ignorant people who have not looked at the evidence.

There is not a serious climatologist or research institution in the world among the deniers.
Do we really, REALLY know for sure that man's activities contribute to climate change?
Yes. Apart from a few nutters who refuse to accept it, or ignorant people who have not looked at the evidence.

There is not a serious climatologist or research institution in the world among the deniers.

Then call me a nutter, but I'm old enough to remember when our science and geography teachers were warning us about the impending Ice Age.
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I do hope solar panels are just a silly phase and that people are gonna stop ruining our beautiful towns and villages :mad:

Do we really, REALLY know for sure that man's activities contribute to climate change?
Yes. Apart from a few nutters who refuse to accept it, or ignorant people who have not looked at the evidence.

There is not a serious climatologist or research institution in the world among the deniers.

No serious deniers deny man affects or contributes to climate change.

The argument is.

How much do we contribute to it.

How much climate change is actually harmful

How much climate change will we actually get.

Did some work in Culham recently where the reactor is. Had a very interesting a long chat with a prof. Lady who suggests we are 20 years away. . At the moment they use more power than they generate but they are nearing the balance point
There is a new larger one being built in Europe which will move the game on so they are slowly getting there

Thats very interesting, Of course even a Prof can get it hopelessly wrong in predictions but she will have infinitely more idea than I have. I read somewhere that the science is a lot closer than we realise. Having said that the prediction in the 70's was that the problem would be cracked by 1990.
I have no doubt the problem will be cracked but as to when ??????
OH! Remember that nutty professor in the 90's who claimed he had Cold Fusion cracked - I think they shot him.
Actually, as odd as it may sound, "global warming" can cause an ice age... Its to do with the influx of water (caused by rising sea levels) slowing down the warm sea currents such as the gulf stream. The net result would be that the warmer waters (and thus movement of higher temperatures) would not reach places they otherwise would... such as the UK.

This would result in a drastic drop in temperatures across much of europe essentially entering it into an ice age.

It's a common fallacy that people think that global warming will simply mean they can crack out their bikinis... and is why it has been referred to as "climate change" for many years now as opposed to global warming...

I agree that current retrofit solar panels aren't necessarily the nicest things... but there are movements to remedy this in the form of SV roof tiles which get installed into your roof in place of tiles... look much nicer.
I think it's pretty clear the effect the human race is having on the climate. However, due to the nature of climate itself there will always be room for argument that it's not us causing it.

What we can't deny is the effect we are having on virtually every other species. Deforestation, removing the habitat of countless species. Hunting for fun has caused many extinctions. Hunting to protect farmland has reduced others to critical levels...mass cullings simply because we believe wee have more right to be here than other animals.

I love the human race's thirst for knowledge and development, but I hate that it means we ride roughshod over everything else.

As Tony says, the planet will be here long after we have gone, and it will survive, and thrive once more, but it will be a very different planet from the one that existed before our population exploded. This is the first time in history that mass extinctions have happened as a result of anything other than natural events.

Unless we consider that we are part of nature too, and whatever we do is also part of nature.

I'm not a fully signed up member of Greenpeace, but I can see clearly what negative effect humanity has had on this planet.
Do we really, REALLY know for sure that man's activities contribute to climate change?
Yes. Apart from a few nutters who refuse to accept it, or ignorant people who have not looked at the evidence.

There is not a serious climatologist or research institution in the world among the deniers.

When you unquestioningly follow what the 'experts' tell you, ask why they move the goalposts. It used to be called global warming, now they're hedging their bets by calling it climate change. Just in case the earth's temps, go in the opposite direction.

However, they're the experts, so we must believe them. Even though some backtracked recently and said that climate change had been overstated.

Lets not also forget that climate change is big business.
Global warming? Climate change?

I'm no expert, so I hesitate to comment. What I do know, though, is that humans always feel the inexplicable urge to find something to worry about.

I have no worries about energy. Nuclear fission is the short-term answer, and we have sufficient fissile material to last until nuclear fusion is perfected.

What I am worried about, however, is that we are going to over-populate the Earth pretty soon. That also, could easily be prevented with sufficient political will.
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