15 Year Old Girl Charged With Murder

Do your own research, Jonny. Then you might not embarrass yourself by being so ill informed.

That's a bit lame, actually. You are attempting to put forward a theory, but are refusing to post anything to back it up, asking people who have refuted it to do research??
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That's a bit lame, actually. You are attempting to put forward a theory, but are refusing to post anything to back it up, asking people who have refuted it to do research??
Welcome to the bull s hit world of the RWR. Get used to it Secure.
Oh, woodspirit, you are silly.
9/10 she's from a low income, single-mother home with a history of 'antisocial behavior' that her mother describes as 'just bein' a lively teenager'.
You know it, I know it, the dog in the street knows it.

Beacuse, IMHO, there is no innocence of youth any more. I agree that there have been child v child murders in the past but such incidents seem more prevalent these days. Some may be down to poor parenting/upbringing or down to a perceived 'softness' in the justice system or a combination of both but I think the issue goes much deeper. If we set aside the gang cultures of the inner cities (which have their own causes),we have to ask ourselves why such horrific incidents are now occurring more and more regularly outside the inner cities in relatively tranquil rural areas. Not all of these incidents can be explained by poor parenting/upbringing because many of these perpetrators come from 'normal' stable backgrounds. So what's the issue?

I think a large part of it is down to the loss of that innocence of youth which most of us had at one time. The youth of today has been raised with a plethora of technology which has not only led to an inability to interact and converse directly with others but has also heralded an era of young lives run by social media.

I suspect that many children only interact with others through texts, twitter and facebook. They don't play group sports. They don't get together face to face with their group of pals on any regular basis and their only 'human' contact is during the school day. Theirs is a world governed by how many friends they have on facebook and clicks of the LIKE button. Their day to day lives are paraded around for the world to see. Arguments and enmity play out over these social media. They live in a 'virtual' world.

Now couple that with the easy access to a whole catalogue of violence (and porn) via the internet. Access - at a young age - to videos and clips of all manner of inhuman acts. Daily displays of bullying and shaming all texted, retweeted and re-posted. A world where they are fed so much of this that it can become the norm.

A recent study found that many chidren had seen hardcore porn by the age of 12. One must. therefore, assume that they have seen hardcore violence as well. Compare that with our own chidhood where the most risque behaviour was probably seeing a porn mag or getting into the cinema to see an adult-rated horror film. Remember the outrage when 'video nasties' came on the scene? They would now be seen as tame.

Don't get me wrong. I am not seeking to excuse the behaviour of child v child killers. What I am saying is that they are not necessarily a product of a poor [in both senses] upbringing nor of a 'soft' justice system. There are these deeper issues which I believe have removed the innocence of youth and which is why I am no longer surprised by such headlines.

Of course, all of this may have no relation to this particular case and I suspect we will have to wait for the trial/sentencing for details.
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So true, instead of going to church on sunday to attend sunday school they have I phones with the latest porn and violence and goading each other with it.
The LWR's have a lot to answer for.
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9/10 she's from a low income, single-mother home with a history of 'antisocial behavior' that her mother describes as 'just bein' a lively teenager'.
You know it, I know it, the dog in the street knows it.
Nothing to do with libertards or the justice system. Correct.
Poverty and a poor upbringing....?
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Humans are fragile and children's brains are undeveloped. Its sadly always going to happen.
That's a bit lame, actually. You are attempting to put forward a theory, but are refusing to post anything to back it up, asking people who have refuted it to do research??

I've said my bit, and stand by it. If Johnny wants to disprove it, let him come up with the proof. Turning this thread into a groundhog day, 24 page boreathon arguing over every little point and detail, is just plain mind numbing.

John seems to have 'issues'. Bizarrely he keeps posting mental stuff about Surrey. It's pointless arguing with eccentrics, as they will just keep coming back with illogical garbage.
It's pointless arguing with eccentrics, as they will just keep coming back with illogical garbage.
You don't seem eccentric to me Woodspirit. Not even close. Just a wee bit thick and naïve is all.

Oh, by the way, love to see those figures of yours. You know the ones where there has been an increase of child murderers due to libertards and ill discipline.(y)

What date did you have in mind where the libertards started making a difference?
We've allowed the libertards to reduce discipline and justice to a sick joke, so we now reap the results.

probably some truth in that ,

will be interesting to see the history of the fruit cake when it go's to trial
You don't seem eccentric to me Woodspirit. Not even close. Just a wee bit thick and naïve is all.

Oh, by the way, love to see those figures of yours. You know the ones where there has been an increase of child murderers due to libertards and ill discipline.(y)

What date did you have in mind where the libertards started making a difference?

discipline in schools today is a complete joke tbh , shocking , we work in several of them & its a total disgrace

All lessons/ class rooms should have CCTV & the parents of some of these kids should be sat in a room & forced to watch there childrens behaviour

prior to kicking the parents up the arris
incidentally I bet they do not have disciplne problems in schools in Islamic countries

Hmmm wonder why that is :)

(just saying ;))
Simple solution.. bring back caning. That was another victory for the libertards.
My day at school you got whacked for bad behaviour and then whacked again if you went home blubbing to ma or pa.
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