Russian Meddling

Funny you should mention tele. Some clever dick believed that advertising on television could influence how people buy products.
Astonishingly, the Clinton email revelation affected the way many Americans voted. Gullible Yanks. You'd fit in well in the US Sami
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Funny you should mention tele. Some clever dick believed that advertising on television could influence how people buy products.
Astonishingly, the Clinton email revelation affected the way many Americans voted. Gullible Yanks. You'd fit in well in the US Sami

More people voted for Clinton than they did Trump. I've stated this serveral times already.

And if fewer people voted for Clinton when it became clear how dishonest she was, it's her own fault.
I think you will find there is a marriage certificate -concrete proof. You don't need to be at a wedding to find proof.

how much influence did Russian meddling place on democratic process here or US. There is proof meddling took place, but we dont know if it made any material difference.


Meddling took place. To what extent? We don't know.

But sammy is trying to assert that meddling didn't take place.

Either it did, or it didn't.
Sponsored Links read my earlier posts boyo, exactly what I have said. You need to convince naive sammi not me.

Facebook have said what? A some russians ran some adverts? You need to be much clearer than that, either they 'hacked' the election or they tried to sway the electorate, the two are not the same.

I don't recall voicing my opinion on this thread.

It's up to you Sammi whether you believe whether the Ruskies interfered or not. You may also dispute the moon landings, Kennedy assassination, Twin Towers etc. You would be better off logging on to one of gasbags crank web sites and have lots of fun convincing other gullible morons about your beliefs.
Good luck.(y)

Until you can provide evidence, it's just an opinion. So far the most I've seen is a lot of FBI bias. I did say this in my very first post, it was my opinion until I could suggest otherwise. That said if none of us did any thinking for ourselves we could all perhaps end up like you, nosenotasmuchashethinks. You might be quick to listen and believe without substance but don't suggest I should too.

I've still not seen any. I keep hearing intelligence agencies saying they're confident there is but no mention of what it is.

You said there was evidence to say they had meddled/interfered.

Yes, it is.

If you think running adverts is the same as altering the result of an election, crack on. There's been more bias shown from within the FBI agency than I've seen concrete proof of from Russia or elsewhere.

Facebook have said what? A some russians ran some adverts? You need to be much clearer than that, either they 'hacked' the election or they tried to sway the electorate, the two are not the same.

Who knows if they actually "hacked" the election.

Are you saying they didn't try to sway the electorate, meddling ?
Meddling took place. To what extent? We don't know.

But sammy is trying to assert that meddling didn't take place.

I'm not, I'm saying I havent seen solid evidence to say it did. It could well of done, until the intelligence agencies show concrete evidence that Russia interfered and it constructed the election of Trump, you're back to facebook saying they ran a few adverts.
Penny finally dropping at last.

As I've said, we've not seen the evidence or any to suggest it affected the outcome of the election (I've said serveral times, she still had more votes).

A charge isn't the same as a guilty verdict.
I said the US authorities announced publically that they had evidence Russian interference into the US elections. Unequivocal. It's no secret and the info has been shared with all the US security agencies, Congress, the Senate and news outlets.

I never mentioned Trump collusion or whether it had any effect but many US commentators believe deliberate harm was done to Hilary Clinton's campaign at a deliberately timed moment.
If the Americans have unequivocal evidence of Russian meddling ,why don't they just show it and let the public decide.
If you think running adverts is the same as altering the result of an election, crack on. There's been more bias shown from within the FBI agency than I've seen concrete proof of from Russia or elsewhere.

The problem is that Trumps opponents just can't accept that Trump won the election fair and square.
Hilary Clinton is a woman with an over inflated sense of entitlement that would make the average benefit scrounger Blush.
Because she's a Clinton and has been around for years she believed that the presidency was hers by right.
Anyone who didn't support her were written off as Racists, bigots, and idiots .
She didn't help her case when she described those Americans who didn't support her as a basket of deplorables
When she lost, she and her supporters just wouldn't accept that she was a dud.
Hence the obsession with blaming the Russians and everyone else.
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