Liam Fox WTO Plans Blocked by 20 countries

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
Feel no pleasure in being right on this. I posted numerous times about schedules and tariffs and how WTO works and that ANY country can make an objection but Brexiteers said it was scaremongering.

Well own it.

Russia is among 20 countries that are looking to squeeze a commercial advantage from Brexit after blocking an attempt by the international trade secretary, Liam Fox, to fast-track a World Trade Organization deal on the UK’s terms of trade with the world.

Whitehall is now facing “up to two dozen” different negotiations with countries over how much meat and dairy products will be permitted into the British market and what tariffs the UK will set on imports.

End Brexit shambles now. Admit you were wrong. This is going to wreck our economy.
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Feel no pleasure in being right on this. I posted numerous times about schedules and tariffs and how WTO works and that ANY country can make an objection but Brexiteers said it was scaremongering.
What an arrogant self important prat you are.More chance of you bumping into moses tonite in your kitchen than brexit ending.
Perhaps without the eu dictating what & how much our farmers/fishermen can grow/produce/catch, we can again become more self sufficient, it would also benefit the environment as less energy would be used to ship it in.
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What an arrogant self important prat you are.More chance of you bumping into moses tonite in your kitchen than brexit ending.

LOL there are a few of them on this forum. I really cannot understand why they want to stay in this country. OH blast I wasn't going to respond to any Brexit threads.
we can again become more self sufficient
Remind us when it was we were self sufficient or even close?

Like many on this forum, I am a man of simple needs. However, I have got used to the benefits of globalised consumerism. A step back towards a more Tom and Barbara kind of life would certainly be a shock to the system. In for a penny.....

I wonder what tourists would make of the UK if we did hark back to the pre-Empire days of self-sufficiency? Could become a tourist attraction.
Funny that. Some bloke was preaching about the UK and her self sufficiency, but can't quite tell us when that was. Perhaps he does not know....?
It's about 200 years since Britain was last self sufficient in food...

A bit of a coincidence, because that is roughly about how far back those dumb quitters want to take us (y)
It's about 200 years since Britain was last self sufficient in food...

A bit of a coincidence, because that is roughly about how far back those dumb quitters want to take us (y)

My very first boss taught me about progress.

He always described it as advancing backwards. Pretty apt in these circumstances.
Funny that. Some bloke was preaching about the UK and her self sufficiency, but can't quite tell us when that was. Perhaps he does not know....?
Maybe if you didn't let the red mist descend over you, you would have noticed I "suggested" trying self sufficiency. I mentioned it once, hardly preaching, unlike JohnD & his fecking red bus, Lord knows how many times he's mentioned that?, that could be described as preaching.
Whilst I agree the red bus thing is awfully tiresome, wouldn't it be a tragedy if that statement were the defining reason for turning the UK into a self sufficient backwater?

It's difficult for anyone to embrace an ideal that is likely to inflict hardship for decades. At least with a political party, we have the opportunity to change that every 5 years. People have the right to be grieved. 50 years is a long time to wait for a positive.
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