WTO in a nutshell - I don't have the answer for that

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
Leaving on WTO is beyond madness- if you disagree then please put forward your points.

If we leave on WTO terms and then offer tariff free access to EU imports then we will have to offer tariff free imports to every other country - therefore why would another country have the need to sign A Free Trade Agreement as we have already offered them that.

The kicker is they don't need to reciprocate and offer us tariff free access.

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Leaving on WTO is beyond madness- if you disagree then please put forward your points.

If we leave on WTO terms and then offer tariff free access to EU imports then we will have to offer tariff free imports to every other country - therefore why would another country have the need to sign A Free Trade Agreement as we have already offered them that.

The kicker is they don't need to reciprocate and offer us tariff free access.

Beyond madness would be in/out ref 2!...A bunch of people having a chat about buying and selling stuff to each other aint too diff...However much you try to inflate the problem.
Beyond madness would be in/out ref 2!...A bunch of people having a chat about buying and selling stuff to each other aint too diff...However much you try to inflate the problem.

Your either trolling or thick.

So we zero rate imports, what imports to our exports? Where is our bargaining chip if we already offered zero tariffs?
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where people voted in ignorance of the outcome, based on meaningless slogans and deliberate lies
Yes,you said,,about 10 million times.and you lot are the chosen ones with all the answers..Drama queens
Your either trolling or thick.

So we zero rate imports, what imports to our exports? Where is our bargaining chip if we already offered zero tariffs?
Or have a differing opinion to yours maybe.I am many things,,,Thick is certainly not one of them.
Leaving on WTO is beyond madness- if you disagree then please put forward your points.

If we leave on WTO terms and then offer tariff free access to EU imports then we will have to offer tariff free imports to every other country - therefore why would another country have the need to sign A Free Trade Agreement as we have already offered them that.

The kicker is they don't need to reciprocate and offer us tariff free access.

Your opinion of international treaties,well somebody you copied and pasted because it fits your argument.
Your either trolling or thick.

So we zero rate imports, what imports to our exports? Where is our bargaining chip if we already offered zero tariffs?
We discuss it and come to an agreement!.We do not stay in a stale failed instution set up in the 1940s.
Your opinion of international treaties,well somebody you copied and pasted because it fits your argument.

So why don't you put forward some facts. Or watch that clip or listen to Ivan Rogers or any other person who has knowledge about WTO, in fact why don't you go to the WTO website and have a read.

If you can't rebut the point it shows you have no argument.
Or have a differing opinion to yours maybe.I am many things,,,Thick is certainly not one of them.

Having a different opinion is great, but basing that on ignorance is not. Well you answered that question, if you are not thick then you are a troll.
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