Do you really want Corbyn to be PM

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I think Corbyn is a decent bloke, and certainly seems to more human compared to the rather cold Mrs May. What's stopping me though, is at present Labour is not fit to run the country. To be frank, both parties are poor at the moment
I think Corbyn is a decent bloke, and certainly seems to more human compared to the rather cold Mrs May. What's stopping me though, is at present Labour is not fit to run the country. To be frank, both parties are poor at the moment
Worst period for UK politics ever.
We have no leadership at the moment; no-one fit to run the greatest country in the world. In days of Empire, we ran countries that couldn't run themselves, and now half of us want to hand the power to the evil EU empire. How have our leaders become so weakened? EU payola, that's how.
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At a push it would have to be Corbyn as he does appear to be a lesser buffoon than Johnson :eek:
Johnson spoke up against the charges being made against the paras on bloody sunday, he had the balls to speak up. corbyn would not do that in a million years.
Johnson spoke up against the charges being made against the paras on bloody sunday, he had the balls to speak up. corbyn would not do that in a million years.
This injustice against ex servicemen flows directly from the Belfast agreement better known by its PR moniker as the "Good Friday Agreement".
To appease the IRA Tony Blair handed letters of amnesty to IRA terrorists which was keep secret from the public until one of these terrorist's actually used his get out of jail free card to walk free from a trial for the Hyde park bombing.
Another concession to the IRA was to set up an inquiry into bloody Sunday (this was the 3rd inquiry) at a cost of over £200 million, now we have what is called the Legacy unit which was set up to to investigate deaths at the hands of the security forces.
Unlike the IRA Blair believed that the Security forces didn't warrant protection from witch hunts by Irish Republicans which is why ex paras are being threatened with prosecution.
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And subsequently prevented loads more unnecessary deaths.

Hooray for Tony!
Whatever people think about all the concessions needed, ie all the IRA prisoners being released etc, the violence has ended -at least by the IRA itself
Whatever people think about all the concessions needed, ie all the IRA prisoners being released etc, the violence has ended -at least by the IRA itself
yes, but the paras were under orders, it is the ones that made those orders that should be investigated, plus most of the soldiers are in there 70s ,80s.
I feel your pain Mitch.

It must be awful when your life is so empty that you have to keep posting crap like that.
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