BBC using mental deficiency for sensationalist news purposes

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They might have their faults,but they are one of the most respected,independent broadcasters throughout the world..

I don't think they are as good as they were but that's largely down to the shear hours of news they provide one way or the other now. However good info is buried in it somewhere. Cheaper TV has increase all over and relatively speaking news is one of them. Same with Channel 4 news as well but they can get a bit sillier at times for instance by asking stupid questions. More so in C4's case. Corbyn and Brexit for instance - a prime example. He has clearly stated his opinion yet still being asked if he is for remaining or leaving. Why do this - it's seen as good telly so loads of sources of all sorts do similar things and in many different ways and in different areas.

Run by the loony left. Crack pot. More correctly seen that way due to a certain types of right wing supporterss who are loony. They seem to have some sort of filter in their brain that forgets a number of aspects concerning what right wing parties tend to do and the results. All seem to have that built in. Then take the NHS for instance but the same applies to many areas. Moan about the state it's in. Many seem to be easily lead and brainwashed and have an over simplistic view of the world. A more correct view of all TV media is that it tends to have some degree of right wing bias. Maybe because they have high income levels but it's a fact news that criticises is what causes people to watch it and read it in newspapers and on the web. So any party who is in power will get "bad news" at some point as they will be looking for it. Often the reporting will lack balance where ever it comes from. Some worse than others. Elections and referendums - anything goes. Plenty of things to print or broadcast until everyone is bored with it. Help stop that happening by shifting to some other aspect.
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No, just because someone chooses a lifestyle that doesn't fit with your idea of normal doesn't make them mentally deficient,
Does it not? By definition it is not normal. It is definitely not sensible, so...

it does however make you judgemental and intolerant.
...but not necessarily wrong. Why must I be tolerant of stupidity?
You'll be telling me next I must be tolerant of people's religious beliefs.

Are the Maori tat's unacceptable too? Irezumi? Egypt and India have a long history in culture too, as it does in Buddhist culture. Then there's the vikings...
There are many examples around the world of self-mutilation - and mutilating others - because of ludicrous beliefs.

Let's face it EFL, tats have been around for hundreds of years, they're not going to stop!! :)
Most people aren't very bright.

I have mentioned before the bloke I saw walking down the road toward me - white as paper, obviously first day of holiday - wearing just shorts and black shoes and short socks which looks horrible anyway; wear white. When he got closer, I realised he was in fact barefoot and had had black (or rather the dirty dark blue they use) socks tattooed on his feet and ankles. It did not give me the impression that he was Brain of Britain.
Also, nothing worse than pretty girl with the dark blue mess on her legs or other places.
Does it not? By definition it is not normal. It is definitely not sensible, so...

...but not necessarily wrong. Why must I be tolerant of stupidity?
You'll be telling me next I must be tolerant of people's religious beliefs.

There are many examples around the world of self-mutilation - and mutilating others - because of ludicrous beliefs.

Most people aren't very bright.

I have mentioned before the bloke I saw walking down the road toward me - white as paper, obviously first day of holiday - wearing just shorts and black shoes and short socks which looks horrible anyway; wear white. When he got closer, I realised he was in fact barefoot and had had black (or rather the dirty dark blue they use) socks tattooed on his feet and ankles. It did not give me the impression that he was Brain of Britain.
Also, nothing worse than pretty girl with the dark blue mess on her legs or other places.

What are you babbling on about.
One girl i know paid over 100 quid to get her legs tattoed, when i saw her coming towards me i really thought she had a severe case of varicose veins.
There are many examples around the world of self-mutilation - and mutilating others - because of ludicrous beliefs.
Only ludicrous because you have different outlooks... Some of these tribes regard tattoos as a symbol of status, pride - whatever and should be free to look however they want.

This world would be a little nicer if we weren't so quick to judge others just because of the way they look. You could argue that they're not hurting anyone (else) so why does it really matter, all said and done?
Always puzzled me why anyone would pay someone to disfigure them, another thing, why do folk pay good money for clothes full of holes?
Always puzzled me why anyone would pay someone to disfigure them, another thing, why do folk pay good money for clothes full of holes?

Because they can, it's their choice, it's not hurting anyone else, anyway some piercings for instance can be pleasurable, apparently.
Always puzzled me why anyone would pay someone to disfigure them, another thing, why do folk pay good money for clothes full of holes?
Ask Michael Jackson's surgeon the same thing!
I guess not everyone conforms. I kinda like that :)
Only ludicrous because you have different outlooks...
No. Some of them ARE ludicrous.

Some of these tribes regard tattoos as a symbol of status, pride - whatever and should be free to look however they want.
They are but that does not mean it is sensible.

This world would be a little nicer if we weren't so quick to judge others just because of the way they look. You could argue that they're not hurting anyone (else) so why does it really matter, all said and done?
There are obviously limits. I draw the line at a different place than you.
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