Give Boris Some Credit

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What facts do you have to say it is wrong...It is one of many theories being studied.As I keep saying to you lot blaming Boris..Too early to form precise conclusions.
Another person who can't read the link I put up. Well done.
Apart from the US with five times as many people, the UK has the most deaths.

Someone please explain how that can be anything but bad - and who is in charge?
Apart from the US with five times as many people, the UK has the most deaths.

Someone please explain how that can be anything but bad - and who is in charge?
STOP IT! I've said it before, stop using common sense/logic when discussing things on here... a certain few don't want to hear it!!
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My niece could have done a better job, but we are stuck with the Tories. So forgive me whilst I criticise their ineptitude, because there is no one else I can criticise - is there mottie.

But..but...but wadddabout Jezza, Dianne... but..but..
the UK has the most deaths.

Wrong, apart from the US, UK has the highest reported number of deaths. I believe the head honcho at the ONS has already commented on the transparency of our reporting in relation to other countries.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it's good, but it's not as bad as some would like to believe, in fact, are desperate to believe. It will be at least another four months before a clearer picture emerges, particularly for some of the other countries and their reporting methods.
If you can be bothered to read the link I sent then you'd see am not making things up.
The virus can be spread regardless of the climate. Now please give me some facts that back up your claim that Nz/Oz didn't suffer so much because of their climate.

I get that. Singapore has had it bad. Its tropical it doesn't get cold. Mainly migrants living in cramped conditions have suffered . A big number of these will be Bangladeshi and Indian.

We still do not know how the heat effects the virus.

Italy and Spain are coming out of this while temperatures are rising. ???

We do know that people's immune systems get attacked more in colder conditions due to flues and colds.
We know Hayfever attacks the immune system.

Isn't it weird experts don't know but somehow you do...

What do you do for a job? Science by any chance.
transparency of our reporting in relation to other countries.

Wrong again neither he or she has said that at all so you tell me what was actually said.

They actually put up a graph relating to populations in a brief a couple of days ago but a one off. A certain gent from Labour has been mentioning that their graph is a bit stupid. It is as they provide themselves with figures per 100,000. Far more sensible for total figures. Then there is this

Wrong, apart from the US, UK has the highest reported number of deaths. I believe the head honcho at the ONS has already commented on the transparency of our reporting in relation to other countries.
No one knows but -

are you thinking Italy and Spain have not reported all of their deaths or the UK has reported too many?
Wrong again neither he or she has said that at all so you tell me what was actually said.

They actually put up a graph relating to populations in a brief a couple of days ago but a one off. A certain gent from Labour has been mentioning that their graph is a bit stupid. It is as they provide themselves with figures per 100,000. Far more sensible for total figures. Then there is this

View attachment 191811

How about adding in population densities....

England.......424 people per sq kilometre.
Germany......232 " " " "
France.........118 " " " "
Italy............ 200 " " " "
Spain...........92 " " " "

No wonder our infection rate/deaths are greater.

Our R rate must be much higher than these other countries.
Our R rate must be much higher than these other countries

Not so simple. The R rate is lower the more densely populated the area is. London easily has the lowest at the moment. Scotland is probably the highest but others are similar. If the line is level the R value is 1. If increasing it > 1 if reducing it's less than 1 ;) so people can work them out from this if inclined.

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