EU negotiations: will UK govt reach a deal or not

what do you think: Deal or No Deal

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That's 25 EU countries stuffed then.
Typical of brexiteers...

They don't even know how many countries make up the EU...

And let's not forget the other members of the EEA...

But then brexiteers can't count beyond twenty after they have taken off their socks!
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Typical of brexiteers...

They don't even know how many countries make up the EU...

And let's not forget the other members of the EEA...

But then brexiteers can't count beyond twenty after they have taken off their socks!

That was in reply to Notch's comment about the smaller sized country automatically being at the losing end of a deal, I didn't include France or Germany because they currently have larger economies than us, 25 countries have smaller economies.

I'm not sure I can simplify that any more for you.
That was in reply to Notch's comment about the smaller sized country automatically being at the losing end of a deal, I didn't include France or Germany because they currently have larger economies than us, 25 countries have smaller economies.

I'm not sure I can simplify that any more for you.

I'm not sure you realise the EU is a trade bloc, it negotiates on behalf of the member countries.

It is why the United Kingdom lost so much power when it left.
it negotiates on behalf of the member countries.

Exactly, you clearly do not understand that each member country will be affected individually. Germany will be concerned that 18% of it's car exports will be at risk, and Poland won't give a toss about France losing it's fishing rights.
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The argument that ALL of Germany's car exports would be at risk is debatable. Whatever happens, car imports to the uk from the EU will continue made
Exactly, you clearly do not understand that each member country will be affected individually. Germany will be concerned that 18% of it's car exports will be at risk, and Poland won't give a toss about France losing it's fishing rights.
And you don't understand that the EU will simply adjust their trade amongst themselves, and the other worldwide trade deals they have struck...

The UK will just be an afterthought...

But then brexiteers (as you have demonstrated) don't understand the concept of numbers :rolleyes:
The argument that ALL of Germany's car exports would be at risk is debatable. Whatever happens, car imports to the uk from the EU will continue made
Apparently it'll be 10% of the cost of the car, which isn't the sale price as I understand it, it works out at around £1,500 on an average family car, whatever that is.
The argument that ALL of Germany's car exports would be at risk is debatable. Whatever happens, car imports to the uk from the EU will continue made

Nobody said ALL, in fact, I said 18% of German car exports come to the UK, a 10% tarriff wouldn't be helpful for Germany.
don't understand the concept of numbers

Remaoners never understood the concept of numbers....
Leave 17,410,742 votes.
Remain 16,141,241 votes.

Remoaners thought the lower number was the winning side, LoL.

And ask them how many foreigners we should let in they just give you a blank stare.
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Plenty of people could lose 46% of their bodyweight and actually be much better off for it.
Lose the 8% that is the head though ......

Couldn't have put it better myself.

Whilst I appreciate the rather obvious slur on EU, it won't win many economics prizes.

The loss is not equal, the risk to the UK is far higher.
Or do have any alternative options
My point exactly. Some of the EU states have much more vested interests than others.
No it is not your point.

Please let me repeat: the EU and its member states, including trade bodies will all put the integrity of the Single Market first.

Your argument about vested interests is just the same rehashed "German car industry" one.
Whilst I appreciate the rather obvious slur on EU, it won't win many economics prizes.

The loss is not equal, the risk to the UK is far higher.
Or do have any alternative options

I wasn't making a slur ;you're just very touchy on the subject, and seeing things that really are not there.

I was however making the point that the 46% and 8% figures are not necessarily directly comparable.
The analogy of weightloss being an example.
It's not how much you lose, but what you lose that is important.
Rather than rehashing, for the umpteenth time, the Brexit bad Vs Good.

Barnier and Boris both agree that a deal is quite unlikely at this point.
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