Living in Iceland

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Not so much for your nation's traditional racism, though.

Well we were right to be discerning. Letting other cultures settle in The UK (and Europe) has caused nothing but grief. Literally.

As if we're the only nation that discriminates. :rolleyes: Try going to some Arab countries and setting up a Christian church or holding a Pride rally.
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and the reverse.

Conservative candidate Peter Griffiths won an election with the slogan

"if you want a n****r for a neighbour"

So We all have to bend the Knee because of that Idiot?

Iceland is one of the most white countries in the world 99%,and has had race problems recently,nowhere is immune to racism.
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your Prime Minister.

described African people as having “watermelon smiles”, another said women in burqas looked like “bank robbers”, and Mr Johnson also wrote that seeing “a bunch of black kids” scared him.

Wrote "It is said that the Queen has come to love the Commonwealth, partly because it supplies her with regular cheering crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies,"

Can't stand Johnson and didn't vote for him, but having a sense of humour is to his credit. It indicates that at least he has a mind of his own and won't be kowed by the equalies industry. Being unafraid of humourless, pc zealots also does his reputation no harm. These zealots need to grow some and stop being permanently offended on behalf of others.

What he wrote is both accurate and amusing. If I was living in London, gangs of black kids would worry me too. Anyone in public life with a sense of humour is a rare commodity. And don't get me started on Prince Philip's funnies. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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interesting to see you thing Doris' racist jokes are his best feature.
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