EU China Investment Treaty

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3 Sep 2006
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West Mids
United Kingdom
The EU is about to sign an investment treaty with China. Driven more by Germany than other states.

The thing is, China have constantly refuted all of the EUs demands, and not given in to any of its conditions. So the EU (well Germany) have decided that they will sign anyway.

The other thing, is that despite the EU's sanctimonious instance on worker rights being key in any agreement they make with others, it seems that the plight of the Uighurs in their forced labour prison camps has not reached Brussels yet.

Strange that. :cautious:
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They make the rules up as they go.
Level playing field my arse.
The 870billion Euro’s they’re adding to the pot has bypassed there rules apparently.
They make the rules up as they go.
Level playing field my arse.
The 870billion Euro’s they’re adding to the pot has bypassed there rules apparently.

Interesting bit of smoke and mirrors there, it's looking like because there's no contribution from 'us', they've borrowed the money for the seven year budget.
Payback time will be interesting.
Also how are German car manufacturers allowing their models to be blatantly copied & rebadged???
when the going gets tough, eu morals go out of the window.
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Strange that

Currently, there are 25 bilateral investment treaties (BITs) between China and all EU countries.

Of which UK has been a beneficiary of for a number of years.

I haven't seen Woody complain about it.
Strange that.
The EU is about to sign an investment treaty with China. Driven more by Germany than other states.

The thing is, China have constantly refuted all of the EUs demands, and not given in to any of its conditions. So the EU (well Germany) have decided that they will sign anyway.

The other thing, is that despite the EU's sanctimonious instance on worker rights being key in any agreement they make with others, it seems that the plight of the Uighurs in their forced labour prison camps has not reached Brussels yet.

Strange that. :cautious:
One heck of a distortion of reality there. Not unusual from brexiteers.
This Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) is an EU wide agreement to replace 25 Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) that are currently in existence between China and multiple EU nation states. These BITs have many drawbacks which the EU agreement seeks to address.
This EU-China CAI has been in negotiation for about 8 year, but contrary to woody's claim, is not 'about to be signed'.

Additionally, the items referred to by woody are indeed included in the agreement and why it won't be finalised any time soon.
The EU expects adherence to International Labour Organisation Conventions, such as the right to set up labour unions, collective bargaining and avoidance of forced labour.
I guess Brexiteers think it's fine to twist the truth, as exemplified by their inglorious leader.
So now we’ve left, we don’t benefit from the 25 agreements then?
So as we all know, China won’t agree to stop forced labour. In that case, if there is the expected agreement in the next two weeks, we’ll know who has folded under pressure then.
The EU’s principles are disintegrating before our eyes.
So now we’ve left, we don’t benefit from the 25 agreements then?
BIT = Bilateral Agreement
The clue is in the name. Between a member state and China.

Finally, the coverage of the BITs is quite variable, as are their exceptions. For example, the French BIT covers culture issues while the Finnish BIT focuses on the prohibition of unreasonable or discriminatory local content measures for investment.
So as we all know, China won’t agree to stop forced labour. In that case, if there is the expected agreement in the next two weeks, we’ll know who has folded under pressure then.
The EU’s principles are disintegrating before our eyes.
An assumption based on a deduction based on the 'if' becoming reality.
The other thing, is that despite the EU's sanctimonious instance on worker rights being key in any agreement they make with others

That is not correct.

The EU are quite happy to give the UK a Canada style deal with no Level Playing Field.
That would means tariffs and a line by line negotiation.

But you voted for Johnson and his oven ready free trade agreement with LPF.

It's rather odd you are complaining about something you voted for
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