Another world record

5 Apr 2017
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United Kingdom
Last week the FTSE rose 6 percent. A new world record for the 1st week of a new year of any indices.
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Having previously fallen much more.

Damn you, brexers.
Ohh it must hurt John.
That’s the trouble with you lot making predictions. It might just come back & bite you on the arse.
Surely if Brexit was going to be the immediate disaster you predicted the FTSE wouldn’t have made WORKD RECORD GAINS.
Having previously fallen much more.

Damn you, brexers.
Stupid brexiteers don't quite get it...

Maybe also ask them about where the pound stands compared with 22.06.16 ?
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Last week the FTSE rose 6 percent. A new world record for the 1st week of a new year of any indices.
How sweet a brexer is absolutely desperate to pin anything he can find to validate Brexit.

This time it's the FTSE rising to a 1000 lower than it was a year ago.....oohhh isn't that great :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Oh dangee your ignorance is awful.

But not surprising.
Surely if Brexit was going to be the immediate disaster you predicted

Oh dear, more dishonesty.

Nobody said immediate disaster.

I might have sovereignty and chips for doesn't sound very filling though :ROFLMAO:
Love it! Just confirms what you lot are about.
Thanks guys & Elle.
Ohh it must hurt John.
That’s the trouble with you lot making predictions. It might just come back & bite you on the arse.
Surely if Brexit was going to be the immediate disaster you predicted the FTSE wouldn’t have made WORKD RECORD GAINS.

Ask mottie to tell you how much better the European, and other investments to minimise the Brexit damage, have worked out for me.
Oh this is funny. Talk about two sides talking down and ramping :D

Shall we look at the 5yr chart and then look at where we are trending? You see those dips back over the last 5 years, we are currently hitting 6800 which is about the same as them, to which the markets recovered, and we have also dipped to that point in the last 5 years (we are still trending up), so whilst this may be just a testing rise id say we will see restoration back to the norm, pending the effects of Covid moreover 'Brexit doom' as we all know something for sure.
For as long as we live we all still aspire to spend, work and live in our own home, Brexit will not stop any of that which in turn keeps our economy going. So despite the morality of brexit and the toys out of prams for people not getting their own way, i say just deal with it and move on or you will be left behind. Vote for another remain campaign all you like if that's how you want to spend your time, i get it, it's not for everyone, but for now its here to stay.


Then we had the scaremongering of the pharmaceutical shortages costing lives..........,
Unfortunately it seems to be the EU with the shortages but hey, let’s not get facts in the way.
Are our aeroplanes allowed to fly over Europe? Wasn’t that another thing that was supposed to happen.
We should go back over all the other predictions the haters quoted, eh Notchradamus.
Brexit (being able to trade with the rest of the world)will really drag us down. Muppet.
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