'Vaccine' shortage...

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It is the EU who continually point fingers in the UK's direction, essentially blaming the UK for their shortfall, because we are not sharing

What they are saying is, EU have exported vaccines to UK
UK have exported none to EU.

If it was the other way around, the gammon brexers would be seething.
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What they are saying is, EU have exported vaccines to UK
UK have exported none to EU.

If it was the other way around, the gammon brexers would be seething.
I'm confused. Did the 'EU' buy vaccines from EU producers under a pre existing commercial agreement and then export them to the UK or did private companies within the EU export them to the UK as per a normal pre existing commercial agreement?
I wouldn't put anything past Mad Macron, he's French you know.
I see transam's recruitment campaign for his francophobia is paying dividends with some additional supporters.
Transam will be campaigning for his xenophobic campaign again soon.
Then he'll start on his islamophobic campaign.
Will he manage to radicalise any others?
He's succeeding so far.
I see the risk of blood clotting was not EU hype, as others have described it.
European Scientists Say They Know Why AstraZeneca’s Vaccine Is Causing Rare Blood Clots
Researchers in Germany and Norway say they’ve isolated the cause of extremely rare blood clots caused by AstraZeneca’s vaccine, allowing doctors to treat it.
Scientists at Greifswald University Hospital said in a statement Friday that in rare instances, the vaccine has created an antibody that triggered the formation of blood clots in the brain.

The findings confirm those from an independent team in Norway earlier this week.
Isolating the cause has allowed scientists to identify how to treat patients who have developed the blot clots, by giving them intravenous immunoglobulin, which targets the antibody, and blood thinners.
“Very, very few people will develop this complication,” Professor Andreas Greinacher said in a press conference Friday, according to the Wall Street Journal. “But if it happens, we now know how to treat the patients.”

Several European countries this week briefly halted use of the vaccine over fears of blood clots, which have been reported 37 times among the 17 million inoculated with the vaccine. The countries resumed use after the European Medicines Agency (EMA) determined the AstraZeneca vaccine was “safe and effective” and that the benefits outweigh the potential risks. Still, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland have decided to keep the vaccine on hold until more research is done and public health experts worry the debacle will erode confidence in vaccines more generally.
I haven't checked the veracity of this article. So if anyone finds evidence to disprove it, my apologies for accepting it and presenting it.
If the article is accurate, it would indicate why it is sensible to be aware of any risk, rather than simply denying that there is a risk.

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I'm confused. Did the 'EU' buy vaccines from EU producers under a pre existing commercial agreement and then export them to the UK or did private companies within the EU export them to the UK as per a normal pre existing commercial agreement?
Apparently, the UK contract included such terms that meant the supplier was obliged to supply UK requirements as a priority, even if that meant short-changing other contractual agreements.
Clearly, when EU became aware of such contractual terms, it moved to outmanoeuvre them, by introducing a mechanism to ensure transparency.
I'm confused. Did the 'EU' buy vaccines from EU producers under a pre existing commercial agreement and then export them to the UK or did private companies within the EU export them to the UK as per a normal pre existing commercial agreement?
If it was the other way around, you would be seething.
Apparently, the UK contract included such terms that meant the supplier was obliged to supply UK requirements as a priority, even if that meant short-changing other contractual agreements.
Clearly, when EU became aware of such contractual terms, it moved to outmanoeuvre them, by introducing a mechanism to ensure transparency.
Transparency. No. Spite. Yes.
If the article is accurate, it would indicate why it is sensible to be aware of any risk, rather than simply denying that there is a risk.
If that is the case why has the use of other vaccines not been suspended.


Emer Cooke, executive director of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) said that other EU-approved vaccines, the Pfizer and Modern jabs, appeared to be linked to similar numbers of blood clots as the suspended vaccine.
Does this problem with clots only apply to Astra Zeneca.
It doesn't apply to AZ. And no - others have died from clotting after having received a different vaccine. Deaths you would expect in any case with or without a vaccine.
A question that the scoundrel macron needs to address

is how come a French company had to relocate to Scotland in order to get the vaccine in the market

perhaps macron was asleep or was not aware if it

either that or he was to busy covering his tracks over the inevitable bribary ? Corruption ?
Charges that will be coming his way in the future ;)
A question that the scoundrel macron needs to address

is how come a French company had to relocate to Scotland in order to get the vaccine in the market

perhaps macron was asleep or was not aware if it

either that or he was to busy covering his tracks over the inevitable bribary ? Corruption ?
Charges that will be coming his way in the future ;)
Wow! A comment from transam actually addressing an issue instead of his normal hatred against foreigner for being....well... foreigners.

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Imagine what would be found if “normal “ members on here had absolutely no life whatsoever & could be bothered to trawl over hundreds of old threads.....,
Thankfully normal members aren’t that lonely sad & bitter though.
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