When the Nazis took on Albion.....

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Hitler took a gamble in invading Russia and lost.
The whole idea behind Blitzkrieg was to give your opponents a quick knockout blow and take their territory before they had time to recover.
Hitler knew that the lesson of WW1 was that Germany could never win a war of attrition, so he gambled that Brits would fold and do a deal which would allow him freedom to invade Russia, which he reckoned would fall apart in a couple of months.
With Appeaser Neville Chamberlain in charge of Britain it is understandable why Hitler believed that Britain wouldn't fight.
Russia is only 4 kilometres from America.

As Michael Caine would say... "not a lot of people know that"
Adolphs army was over stretched in Russia the supply chain could not keep up with the rapid advance of the front line troops

stalin moved his heavy industry to the Urals well out of range of german bombers

he had a massive man power advantage

hitlers fixation on Stalingrad was the begginning of the end
You can't change the Fact that Britsin is an Island nation and because of this island sitting off the coast of occupied Europe it was the biggest factor of the war ending with victory to the allies and the reason we are not speaking Russian or German now.

Let's say we as many wanted remained neutral.......
Would the Americans rescued the world?

Where would the Americans fight from in 1942? Nearly 3 years into the war.
Where would the excellent Polish pilots fly their British planes from?
New Zealand and Australia coming to our defence from half way around the world. To where?
India sending nearly 3 million to help defeat the Italians. How?

The Canadian Air base down the road from me; wouldn't have been.

The Irish would have had no army to fight with as Ireland actually did remain neutral.
You can't change the Fact that Britsin is an Island nation and because of this island sitting off the coast of occupied Europe it was the biggest factor of the war ending with victory to the allies
Correct. The WWII winning strategy owes a debt of gratitude to the geographical location of Blighty. No doubt.

The USA still looks at strategic locations around the world in which to position their forces, should they need to attack remote countries. Sensible tactical warfare prep.

That's the reason they sacrificed so many lives taking Midway, Guadalcanal etc. Luckily the UK was occupied with friendlies.
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