Energy switch

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
My Outfox fixed contract for E and G ends on the 15th November and the market is in absolute chaos, with no one knowing what will happen to the energy prices. Outfox's quote was well up on some of the other offerings.

Looking at the fixed contract prices, they are 2 to 2 1/2 times the present cost of the variable tariffs, so I decided it was prudent to go for a variable tariff for the first time ever, with no exit fee - so I can always 'jump ship' later.

On a fixed price contract both supplier and customer take a gamble, on variable you just pay what it costs, month by month.

MSE's club was suggesting Utility Warehouse was the cheapest offering for me of £104, but if I took phone, broadband and mobile along with it too. I already had a good deal on the later, much cheaper than their offering, so without those it took it to £112. There website was a mess, no really able to make sense of what tariffs they were offering and none listed without bundled phones - so I rang them to ask for the quote and asked for it to be emailed with full details. There stupid phone system was setup so as to only make it easy for there existing customers, potential new customers had to do battle with the system to get through. There idea of a detailed quote was to mention the annual cost of gas and annual cost of electric based on my consumption figures - no details of standing charge, no details of Kw charge. What a way to run a company...

There were three at £105 on the MSE site, one of which was Bristol Energy which I have been with before, without any issues - besides, the women they employ to answer the phones have a sexy Bristol accent :)

I filled in their online form, got to the end of all of the three pages, pressed Continue and it then showed a blank page with an 'EXCEPTiON....' - so I had to ring them and do the deed over the phone. Luckily, they still had most of the details stored from the last time I was with them.
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you should stay where you are then do nothing you will be transfered to there "normal rate" that is capped unlike a new contract where there is no cap
I'm sticking with bulb for now, although it's variable still cheaper than the others..
you should stay where you are then do nothing you will be transfered to there "normal rate" that is capped unlike a new contract where there is no cap

I heard that elsewhere, but I suspect we will be below the cap figure anyway.
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I heard that elsewhere, but I suspect we will be below the cap figure anyway.
you are talking about 2-2.5 times the price should be far less than that have you looked at the price you are on with your present provider and the default tarrif you will be moved too without doing anything that should be much much less than tarrifs offered as the default is capped moving to another tarrif with same provider is not capped as a new contract

you say a quote thats to entice you to a new contract just look at the "do nothing tarrif" thats the cheapest as its capped??
you say a quote thats to entice you to a new contract just look at the "do nothing tarrif" thats the cheapest as its capped??

The fixed they were offering would be £193 x12, the variable £111 x12 - versus the £105 variable I settled upon.

I must confess, I don't really understand how the cap works - have I made a mistake or not in signing up?
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no dont go for anything they offer you want the default tarrif as thats capped the do nothing tarrif you will automatically go to by doing nothing
no dont go for anything they offer you want the default tarrif as thats capped the do nothing tarrif you will automatically go to by doing nothing

Are you suggesting I should stay with my present supplier, Outfox?

There email suggested that I have to chose either the of their two tariffs - the fixed or the variable. Which should I have chosen?
no dont choose as soon as you choose its a new contract thats why its double the price cap restricts the increase to about 40-60% more
have you recieved your " you are comming to the end off your contract " email or letter yet ??
or have you decided to move within the 50 days and contacted them by phone or email for a new deal ??
no dont choose as soon as you choose its a new contract thats why its double the price cap restricts the increase to about 40-60% more

The email Outfox sent me to advise my contract was to end soon, suggested I must choose or the other tariff. I actually emailed them before that arrived, asking them what tariff I would be moved to if I did nothing - they didn't reply.
did you watch the martin lewis link in my post above it explains better than i can
perhaps a better explanation
you have a train season ticket /broad band contract /sky package its normal cost is £500 a year over 2 years so £1000
special offer to encourage you to commit is 40% discount for the first year so only £300 year one year 2 off the contract its £500
at end off year one you are shocked at the price increase and ask for a fresh price but in the meantime prices have doubled so any new contract will £1000 a year through any provider
but remain on your present contract your fixed price is £500 so the best option but this requires you do nothing and stay on the contract you signed a year ago
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I'm sticking with bulb for now, although it's variable still cheaper than the others..

glad to hear that - I'm with them too!
Funny thing happened today - I was £61 in debit and paid the extra (swimming pool heating bill!) and within 5 minutes had a call from a lady to talk about my monthly payments. I made it clear I was not increasing them, they are to stay the same. I pay £141 a month (bills have not been that high since Jan/Feb) and they want me to now increase to £275/mo. Crazy. Some people are almost £1k in credit with Bulb.

But if it's cheaper, that's alright.
My understanding is that ofgem have decreed that the supplier should offer to refund anything over £100 to customers who are in credit. Octopus did for me.
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