Have You Got The New Abba Album?

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
And if so, what do you think of it?

There is one track on there recorded in the 70s, but not released until now.

You can tell straight away from listening to it that it is "original" Abba.

Other songs have a great many musical flourishes and techniques that are instantly recognisable as Abba and some you can say "Oh...that reminds me of blah song...."

One of the songs starts with the tune from "Remember You're a Womble", which is a bit odd!

There are a couple of tracks that don't really do it for me, but in the main, I think there is a good collection there.
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No, nor any of the old ones but the ladies in the family (of all ages) are obsessed with Abba, it's like a pavlovian response in women.

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What the heck?

In the 70s, I was ripped to bits for liking Abba (I was called all sorts).

I thought those days were over!

I was never a fan in their heyday, but it's difficult to hear 'Dancing Queen' and not be overcome by a wave of nostalgia, coupled with a bit of dad dancing.
I’ve heard a track on YouTube.

Very weird - it sounds just like one of their old hits, but you just can’t work out which one as it sounds like quite a few…but is of course none!
pics or you're lying

This is Ihavenojob's wife, I suppose she bears a passing resemblance.

Always liked Abba, and I suspect I will be getting the CD for Christmas off one of the family, so not listening to any of the tracks until then. :)
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