The first asylum seekers have arrived at a former RAF airbase.

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So immigration is a massive issue. What should be done to sort it ?

Please stop trying to gang up on the critical thinkers.
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Immigration will never be sorted, because people have always migrated.
It's never been easier given all the rights they can call on to make that passage.
Immigration will never be sorted, because people have always migrated.
I've said in other threads and possibly this one, we ain't seen nothing yet re folk wanting to come to this country via formal routes or otherwise. One of the biggies might be climate migrants. Regardless of anyone's views on global warming and what's causing it, if projected changes come to pass re global temps, droughts etc, in years/decades to come the globe will see millions upon millions of people migrating from their homeland. It could (or very likely will) be the case that many countries will need to significantly review their policies around this.

Of course it's right to say we should have the infrastructure and human resource in place to process immigrants more efficiently, however to assume this will mean an increased number being 'sent back' is surely to be misinformed. Of those with asylum claims, I think over 70% are approved? So unless the criteria change, we'll still see more people coming in.
Both barrels, straight into the foot ;)
Oh so you don't think our governments don't pay lip service. Fair enough another one bamboozled by what's actually going on. Lot of it about if you take this site as a barometer.
Newgas talked about critical thinking, don't think that's been taught in schools from the 19 70s and is plain for all to see.
Oh so you don't think our governments don't pay lip service.

Your comment is a reply to a point that I neither made. nor commented on.

You're either trying to deflect, or just mashing the keyboard through lack of comprehension.
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