Anti vaxers will be feeling smug

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I can’t, I was making a point: if Dr Campbell hasn’t ruled out other causes: ie like it’s due to the virus, he can’t attribute the cause to the vaccine.

There’s plenty of evidence covid causes blood clots, it’s a nasty virus that interacts with our bodies in all sorts of unusual ways.
Great so covid causes blood clots - the vax causes blood clots. The vax does not stop you getting covid - only reduces its effects which thaks to omichrom are now very mild anyway. So why increase your risk of clots by having a booster.
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Does Dr Campbell say whether these “white blood clots” are from people who have had covid?
Classic case of what came first then.
One things for sure the government aren't for letting us in on their findings, why would that be?
What’s funny is people like you never question any other medicine you might take and they all have side effects, many are serious. No it’s just the covid vaccine you question.
Yes but those are and have been long term tested over many many years and the side affects of them are now fully known. Unlike the vax yes its been tested on billions but we are yet to learn of any long term side effects are we.
Classic case of what came first then.
Here's a novel idea. If you don't want it, don't have the jab. Utterly obsessed and disappointed that the vaccine has been so successful.
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Gant is absolutely certain he has the final piece of the jigsaw but doesn't realise he's looking at the wrong picture.
Poor chap. Still stuck in the cave looking at shadows.
Here's a novel idea. If you don't want it, don't have the jab. Utterly obsessed and disappointed that the vaccine has been so successful.
Here's a novel idea instead of getting immersed in the topic everytime go on other topics to show how much of a smart ar*e yo are.
Gant is absolutely certain he has the final piece of the jigsaw but doesn't realise he's looking at the wrong picture.
Poor chap. Still stuck in the cave looking at shadows.
Here's a novel idea instead of getting immersed in the topic Everytime go on other topics to show how much of a smart ar*e yo are.
My gantish is rusty this morning, sorry.
Because it decreases your risk of catching, and reducing the severity, of covid. Covid is much much worse for you than the vaccine.
Ok got it - without the vax booster I will have a cough and a runny nose and have a risk of blood clots. With the vax boost I will just have the runny nose but an extra risk of blood clots and who know what else. No ta
I have some elderly relatives who had the first booster but this time the bi-valiant one has made them really ill and they have said they are not getting any more, they say they have had covid more than once and this time the booster has made them feel worse than covid did.
Great so covid causes blood clots - the vax causes blood clots. The vax does not stop you getting covid - only reduces its effects which thaks to omichrom are now very mild anyway. So why increase your risk of clots by having a booster.
Car crashes when not wearing a seat belt cause chest injuries. Seatbelts can cause chest injuries in a car crash.

Seatbelts do not stop you getting in a car crash and very rarely have been known to stop people escaping a vehicle.

Why wear a seat belt?

The obvious answer is that seatbelts reduce the severity of injuries dramatically and measurably even if they aren't perfect. Only an idiot refuses to wear one.

Are you that idiot?
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