Anti vaxers will be feeling smug

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I have some elderly relatives who had the first booster but this time the bi-valiant one has made them really ill and they have said they are not getting any more, they say they have had covid more than once and this time the booster has made them feel worse than covid did.
... because they'd had the vaccine first to minimise the effect of the infection...
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Nice to know they had the vaccine, and are still alive to grumble about it.

Could have been different in both respects.

"Measles is almost entirely preventable with vaccination using the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) jab.

Dr Vanessa Saliba, from the UK Health Security Agency, said: "As expected, due to worryingly low MMR vaccine uptake in some areas across the country, we are now starting to see clusters of cases in other regions."
The vax does not stop you getting covid - only reduces its effects which thaks to omichrom are now very mild anyway. So why increase your risk of clots by having a booster
You are making a confused argument because you are conflating different periods of time and thus different arguments

1) The vaccine was rolled for virtually all age groups out from beginning of 2021 when covid variants were causing serious illness and death

2) the government recognises the risk is lower from current Omicron variant and have therefore only offering vaccine to over 65 age group
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Ok got it - without the vax booster I will have a cough and a runny nose and have a risk of blood clots. With the vax boost I will just have the runny nose but an extra risk of blood clots and who know what else. No ta
False argument

1) unless you are over 65 you can’t have a covid vaccine

2) you have zero evidence the risk of blood clots is higher from vaccine

3) “who knows what else” that’s an unqualified, unverified assertion. Without a probability it’s a meaningless comment.

Please try debating just with facts

1) unless you are over 65 you can’t have a covid vaccine

Please try debating just with facts
TRY paying attention to your bottom line before typing your first bit of nonsense
poor gas112 destroyed so easily by facts

"All adults aged 65 years and over are being offered the vaccine automatically, following advice from UK immunisation experts."

Did you not even read your own link .
where it mentions at risk from 6 months to 64 no its not just over 65`s.
12 to 64 year olds
and 16 to 64 year olds
Do try and keep up
All vaccines can cause a small amount of adverse side effects.Not a reason to avoid them .
Can only assume it's only those on this site who dig their heels in to such an extent that they are impervious to joining in the debate outside of these confines, who want to get to the bottom of this vaccine that was cobbled together in such a hurry to combat the virus and to which those who provided it are exempt from picking up the tab when someone dies from the jab.
Surely it would ease a few minds if we got to the truth of matter.
1) unless you are over 65 you can’t have a covid vaccine

2) you have zero evidence the risk of blood clots is higher from vaccine
They stopped giving it to under 65s pricecley because of the risk of blood clots
Did you not even read your own link .
where it mentions at risk from 6 months to 64 no its not just over 65`s.
12 to 64 year olds
and 16 to 64 year olds
Do try and keep up
Thank you for proving my point:

so not below 65 years olds apart from the vulnerable, which disproves Aveatrys point:

he said: "only reduces its effects which thaks to omichrom are now very mild anyway. So why increase your risk of clots by having a booster."
Thank you for proving my point:

so not below 65 years olds apart from the vulnerable, which disproves Aveatrys point:

he said: "only reduces its effects which thaks to omichrom are now very mild anyway. So why increase your risk of clots by having a booster."
not proved you point in anyway check what you actually wrote .

.Totally wrong
So yet again proving that you really do not have a clue stuggle to read what is written down and make things up as you go along
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