Jean Charles de Menezes

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But he DIDN'T have a bomb, he was INNOCENT. Why is there this continual "what if?" all the time? With logic like that it only demonstrates that the statement "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" is just so much rubbish.
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Oilman: Hindsight is a wonderful thing. At the time, the officers on the ground were told this guy was a suicide bomber about to commit an atrocity ... How would you have handled things differently?
no he didnt we know that now. thats called hindsight, or being wise after the event. AT the time they pulled the trigger they were lead to belive he did have a bomb. its that split second in time when thyve had to make a decision based on fact and what if. Thats why the officers who pulled the trigger have been cleared of any wrong doing

Ask yourself what you would have done in the officers situation.

its what happened after that needs looking into.
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oilman said:
But he DIDN'T have a bomb, he was INNOCENT

What was the answer that day then, if, as it seems, those officers had received information to the contrary?

I'm not trying to justify anyone's actions but what were they supposed to do?
suicide bombs can be wired and triggered in many different ways. Yes a bullet through the head is pretty incapacitating, however it is possible that they can still trigger the bomb, either through some voluntary or more likely involuntary movement or nervous reaction. Thats why they fire until the body if lifeless. totally. its what the isrealis do. theyve learnt from bitter experiance.
But he DIDN'T have a bomb, he was INNOCENT. Why is there this continual "what if?" all the time? With logic like that it only demonstrates that the statement "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" is just so much rubbish.
Exactly. That is the point that so many just dismiss as if it couldn't happen to them...well guess what - it could!

The 'nothing to hide' brigade are just plain stupid/ignorant!!
Thats why they fire until the body if lifeless. totally. its what the isrealis do
One bullet through the chest with an SA80 Thermo and you are lifeless as your heart and lungs exit through a large hole where your back used to be ... (Any more is overkill If you excuse the pun).

Ask anyone who has been trained to use firearms ... 7 bullets ... Totally unnecessary in any scenario.
Thats why they fire until the body if lifeless. totally. its what the isrealis do
One bullet through the chest with an SA80 Thermo and you are lifeless as your heart and lungs exit through a large hole where your back used to be ... (Any more is overkill If you excuse the pun).

Ask anyone who has been trained to use firearms ... 7 bullets ... Totally unnecessary in any scenario.

The police don't use SA80's :confused: and as far as I'm aware, the army switched to the SA80's smaller calibre as it's more likely to fatally wound than the previous SLR which is guaranteed to do the job, logic being a wounded soldier is more of a hindrance to the enemy than a dead one.

Anyway, that aside and to continue the discussion I agree that 9 holes in the head from a hollowpoint won't kill you any more than 1.

The fact that they killed someone based on no evidence whatsoever means that someone should be prosecuted for negligence. Any of us could be shot by police on our way to work tomorrow morning having done nothing wrong, just as Mr Menezes was.
I don't worry about being done in by a terrorist, but I'm fearful of being shot by a trigger happy, ill informed policeman, or worse still by one carrying a tazer as the restrictions on use would be less.

Perhaps this is what it's about, shoot a few innocents as it makes the population go about in fear. This is a classic method of controlling populations. The Americans do this by executing people who are KNOWN to be innocent. They do of course shoot at people with the same casual attitude that most people would use a tooth pick.
Whilst I would say that any country that has the right to bear arms written into its constitution does deserve whatever it gets in relation to firearm problems ...

The Americans do this by executing people who are KNOWN to be innocent
This seems a little extreme Oilman :LOL:
oilman";p="717102 said:
I don't worry about being done in by a terrorist, but I'm fearful of being shot by a trigger happy, ill informed policeman

You mean that you would rather be killed by a terrorist than a policeman?

Why are you fearful of being shot by a trigger happy, ill-informed policeman? Do you, unlike the majority of us, operate on the wrong side of the law?
Why are you fearful of being shot by a trigger happy, ill-informed policeman? Do you, unlike the majority of us, operate on the wrong side of the law?

You appear to be (perhaps deliberately) mis-stating the point; that on this occasion, a law-abiding person going about his business, and on the RIGHT side of the law, was pursued and shot dead.
Why are you fearful of being shot by a trigger happy, ill-informed policeman? Do you, unlike the majority of us, operate on the wrong side of the law?

You appear to be (perhaps deliberately) mis-stating the point; that on this occasion, a law-abiding person going about his business, and on the RIGHT side of the law, was pursued and shot dead.

Exactly JohnD. He was just as law-abiding as those killed in the London atrocities.
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