Personalised number plates

28 Oct 2005
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United Kingdom
If I live to be a thousand I'll never understand why people want these ridiculous ad-ons to their cars. What purpose do they serve? Don't they have something better to spend their money on?

Better still, donate it to charity.
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Presumably they have nice blue uniforms and drive cars with flashing blue lights on the roof?
yes whats all that about ,I agree 100% I have a chuckle when I see them esp the ones where they strategically place the screwheads between letters. TO55 ERS i say
That is REALLY sad.

D'you know why?

Because they're trying to tell the world they've got enough disposable income to afford a personal plate, but end up telling the world that either

a: they have not quite got enough money to buy the correct combination of characters, or (more likely)

b: an even bigger TO55ER has beaten them to it...

On another note, I saw an offensive personal number today. I thought the DVLA did not issue any combination that could be constued as offensive?

BTW, I wonder if TO55 ERS is available & if so, how much? :evil:
OK I'll fess up I have a personalised plate on my car and my company van.

Both incorporate the company name it's all down to advertising and getting noticed the plates are T100*** and T101*** where *** is the company initials.

You can make as many comments as you like but each plate was £250 each and charged to my advertising budget.

I know there are people that try and fudge the letters/numbers to try and spell something and it looks naff

Two heating companies in my area have GAS in their plates
If I live to be a thousand I'll never understand why people want these ridiculous ad-ons to their cars. What purpose do they serve? Don't they have something better to spend their money on?

Better still, donate it to charity.

As someone who knows everything, you have no place asking questions on here.

You won't live to a thousand.

Answers: vanity, obviously not.
That is REALLY sad.

On another note, I saw an offensive personal number today. I thought the DVLA did not issue any combination that could be constued as offensive?

whell one slipped by ..a classic :LOL: PEN 15 what £ would that cost now
That is REALLY sad.

On another note, I saw an offensive personal number today. I thought the DVLA did not issue any combination that could be constued as offensive?

whell one slipped by ..a classic :LOL: PEN 15 what £ would that cost now

I used to see that number plate on a roller parked down strand on the green Chiswick in the 80's
cars have become a hedonistic, narcissistic self indulgence tool for expressing ones supposed wealth.

embellishing ones 'tool' with a personalized number plate is just that bit more ridiculous. almost as ridiculous as owning an off roader in Chelsea.

i can not stand double barrelled surnames either. smacks of self importance.

i've had a few stellas, so excuse the out-of-character rant. :eek:
i've had a few stellas

You lucky man. I've only had one stella! I've had a mary, a joy, a karen and a couple of carols, but only one stella.

PS I'm talking about the names I give to my cars.
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