Stay where you are!

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That's Gold Hill in Shaftsbury - you can't get an awful lot further south than that. :evil:

Edit: oh boll*cks - luke_vibert_uk already pointed that out.
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A Double double.
what's that?

One of my grannies (from Leeds) used to make Curd Tarts. I came across them years later when working in Darlington.

When I look at the journey I'm shocked I used to drive up there every week for months :eek: it would kill me now

p.s. down here we get Cosham Tarts but they aren't the same thing
My small town is a Hockey-playing centre.

Once the Norfolk Ladies team came down (in a bus, apparently their usual tractor trailer had broken down)

They were hanging out of the windows singing:

"We are the Norfolk Girls
We don't smoke, we don't drink

I don't know if it's true.
move south even the traffic cant move in the south :LOL: :LOL: m25 :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: move north, and be happy that your not south:cool:
bakewell tarts strangely are to found in bakewell, a small market town in the midlands, and are not served with gravey :eek:

mind you upt north they have their own airline

Double mash. 2 Pies, and a real good drop of liqour. Lots of chilli vinegar and a nice cuppa char to wash it down. A nice portion of eels if your starving.


One of my grannies (from Leeds) used to make Curd Tarts. I came across them years later when working in Darlington.

When I look at the journey I'm shocked I used to drive up there every week for months :eek: it would kill me now

p.s. down here we get Cosham Tarts but they aren't the same thing[/quote]
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