Stay where you are!

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands miserable Northerners, we don't want you

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Ha, no one up here want to move down south, all a bunch of ignorant moaning whingers, wont even say hello on the bus etc.

And you don't take the skin off your fish ! :LOL: :LOL:

Much nicer up here, now where did I put that plate of tripe for my lunch?
Oop north: "Eeh by 'eck, them suthen namby pambies are givin' us sum aboos, muther"

Dahn sarf: "Those northern types can be so crude and base. Do please pass one the cruet, dear"

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I say John, awfully well spotted that the oik's grammar left his meaning somewhat open to interpretation :LOL: . Don't they do education in those smelly industrial places? Another cucumber sandwich to go with your Pimms?
Well I live "up north" and there are plenty of tos*ers here as well, but poorer ones!
There is HUGE difference in the mentallity of people up here and down there. People "UP HERE" used to be more chatty and kind hearted, but have slowly had it grown out of them as generations supercede them.
There is quite considerable paranoia down south generally? People don't want to know any stranger unless they have passed an ID test or their DNA has been cross referenced. :confused:
Isn't London where they did that "bystander" invenetion experiment where someone lied on the ground. Only to walk over (around) by pedestrians!
More work down south, as a skilled professional.
us midlanders can take an objective view of our fellow countrymen and women.

as we sit in the middle of this fair isle, one can only say that we are the fairest, most reasonable, easy going bunch.

either that or we all suffer some kind of personality vacuum. :eek: :LOL:

southerners are, well, loud mouthed chirpy, cheeky, shandy drinking chappies.

northerners are more hardy, bitter drinking, pack 'o' fags up the t'shirt sleeve - sorta folk.

but the Cornish.....
I suppose it's what you get used to, so whether you're a Northerner or a Southerner, you're bound to be biased. Having said that, there's no way I'd want to move to London - it has nothing I want and everything I don't want.

Noseall, to give you an idea of what is considered North and South (at least to me) have a look at this map. Anyone in the green section can be considered a Northener, and the red section at the bottom is for Southeners. Anyone in any red section should not be trusted or entertained. Anyone not covered by a colour is neutral and so is taken on merit. ;)

Well, The North has it advantages.

Bakewell Tarts, & chips n gravy

The south has

A Double double.
Very friendly OAP's
The best doner kebabs
Bike lanes

Oh, and people prefer the weather to the grim north.

AND, we aint got old nutters spouting "when I was down't pit" with charcoal for lungs
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