Planning permission - now what

8 Jun 2017
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United Kingdom
I have received planning permission for a single storey extension (26sqm with pitched and flat roof along with french doors etc)

Need some advice on the next steps

Obviously need to get building regs involved. I am going to manage the build, getting tradesmen in where needed and do some of it myself. Do I need to submit detailed drawings with calcs, window values, insulation etc or am i best to proceed on a building notice?

My planning app drawings were just a simple outline of the proposal with no details regarding construction and calculations

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Others will have more experience than me ... but I would do a building notice and work closely with the council, and for every job where I get a trade in I will tell them that it needs to be signed off as complete prior to payment. I did my own drawings for my single story extension and the builder worked from that.

I did contact an architectural engineer and their advice was to not bother with building control drawings, but instead use a truss company to supply the roof, as they supply with all the calcs. Other than the roof, everything else is standard really, unless you are planning something really off the wall.
If you know what you are doing you can submit a notice. Just don't rely on the inspector telling you how to build, as they check work not design it.

You can't submit a notice if public drains are involved. If the party wall act applies, then you may need detailed drawings.
Thanks, I'm basically knocking though a gable end and creating a single storey pitched extension and and adjoining a garage to the side.

Guess i will need calcs for the steel on the knock through and lintels for french doors (1800mm) etc.

So, as long as it's built to regs I can pretty much just let them know via a building notice even though I am not a building company.

How much guidance from BC do you get or is it a case of them waiting for it to be done and saying yes or no.

I've seen a few threads on here where people have self built their extensions, so want to do as much as possible but get the required trades in when needed at each stage if possible

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Thanks Woody.
No party wall or public drains
Was hoping I didn't need detailed drawings to be submitted as want to start asap!
Guess i will need calcs for the steel on the knock through and lintels for french doors (1800mm) etc.

On my recent extension on a notice I did calcs with help of my C.Eng son, came to same as builder recommended. BCO never asked for my calcs. just inspected work and approved. I suspect in an ordinary situation these guys just know what is right or wrong. I basically did what Jonbey suggests.
You don't always need calcs for standard openings with standard beams.

Building inspectors hate people asking them how to build and what to do. You might get a helpful one, or you may not.
As others have said it isn't up to building control to design your extension/tell you how to build it. Unless you really now what you are doing it is best to have drawings prepared by somebody who knows what they are doing and make a Full Plans Submission for bldg. regs approval. (but I would say that )
Otherwise you are risking your work is approved by the BCO as complying with bldg. regs after it is built. Up to you - feeling lucky :?:
I did contact an architectural engineer and their advice was to not bother with building control drawings
Can't understand why any 'proper' architectural person would advise against having building regs drawings done , very strange .
Other than the roof, everything else is standard really, unless you are planning something really off the wall.
o_O depends what you are doing :!:
Can't understand why any 'proper' architectural person would advise against having building regs drawings done , very strange .
o_O depends what you are doing :!:

Maybe they were just honest? They looked at the plans, so they knew what was needed.
Thanks all

Going to go the building notice route and get appropriate trades in as required.

Will also get an SE to make sure all calculations are done

No doubt I will be on here soon asking more questions!
There is no guarantee you'd find a designer capable of producing adequate drawings.

Producing drawings for building control to approve is very different to drawings with the necessary details for builders to use.
drawings with the necessary details for builders to use

A builder who needs detailed drawings for a simple single storey extension isn't a builder, (unless this is some off-piste grand-designs type extension)

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