11.00pm 29th March 2019

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
This is the minute, the hour the day the UK left the EU.

Oh wait a minute.................oh no we havent
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It was funny seeing the reactions of the marching moaners today, stamping their feet because they can't get their way, "I voted out boo hoo, why isn't this being done, boo hoo, why don't they listen to us boo hoo..

Because you haven't got a realistic, feasible exit strategy. GOT IT you silly billys? Probably not :sleep:
If the Outists had put together a coherent, achievable Brexit plan, I wonder what it would have been.

So do they.
A few thousand Brexit supporters 'egged on' by such luminaries as Farage and Yaxley-Lennon and we get violence, intimidation and arrests...

Contrast that with a million remainers - a peaceful demonstration and no arrests...

Says it all really!
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This is the minute, the hour the day the UK left the EU.

Oh wait a minute.................oh no we havent
No sht sherlock...top of the class for observation of the bleedin obvious
be happy, dum. As you keep saying, "WE WON!"
The 4th vote will clinch it

Either that or the EU will kick us out any way :LOL:.

Macron is not amused :LOL:
Thinking about standing for this EU MEP ejection caper :cool:

My neighbour will vote for me :cool:

I can count on support from others
If elected
I would be an independent and argue for remaining in the EU :cool:

Well as an MEP there would be no point in cutting yer Nosr off to spite yer face taking into consideration ones salary and expense :sneaky: I would have my snout in the trough :LOL:
A few thousand Brexit supporters 'egged on' by such luminaries as Farage and Yaxley-Lennon and we get violence, intimidation and arrests...

Contrast that with a million remainers - a peaceful demonstration and no arrests...

Says it all really!
Fake news ,there was never a million at the remainer protest.
Fake news ,there was never a million at the remainer protest.
Aww bless...

I wondered when the 'fake news' accusation would be chucked about in desperation...

But hey, cheer up...

Garbage apparently nearly managed to get a hundred on his(?) 'march'...:LOL:
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