2 Kids let their own mother die over £40 a month

18 Nov 2011
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United Kingdom
So 2 grown up kids are aware their mom is in financial difficulty.

Neither of them find the extra £40 she needs, JUST £40 pounds.

Neither of them offer to find her a room-mate so she can earn a bit more money.

Neither of them offer to take them into their own homes.

Neither of them encourage her to sign on for disability benefit that she is apparently able to claim.

Instead they both stand by and do nothing, she commits suicide feeling she has no support network to fall on, and they blame "the government" for cutting back her handouts.


Her children should be utterly ashamed that their own mom felt she could not rely on them, and instead felt suicide was her only way out.
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£40 A WEEK is a lot to some of us !!

and you can't go pointing the finger without knowing all their circumstances etc

And apply the same pressure to 50 people, how many would top 'emselves?
When people do such a drastic thing as that, there are usually other factors as well as that put in the note. Maybe it brought into focus the fact that her kids just didn't care about her anyway. Shameful.
£40 A WEEK is a lot to some of us !!

and you can't go pointing the finger without knowing all their circumstances etc

And apply the same pressure to 50 people, how many would top 'emselves?

So are her kids right to see their mother thrown out of her home? I'm glad I'm not dependent on you.
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£40 A WEEK is a lot to some of us !!

I'm sorry to hear that you wouldn't do everything you could to scrape together £40, or to otherwise help avoid that cost (like taker her in), for your OWN DAMN MOTHER!!!



"Her council had offered her three alternative one-bedroom homes but none was suitable. “She spoke to us over the fence and said they’d offered her three places; one was a flat which was no good to her because of her condition, one was in Shirley and wasn’t near a bus stop, and another was in Alton, further away."

“I think, because she loved her garden, the thought of moving away from her friends and into something like a one-bed bungalow has had that effect."

I live in a flat because that's all I can afford, my parents raised me in a ONE bedroom flat, because that's all they could get.

I wonder, should I threaten to kill myself if someone won't pay for me to have a 3 bedroom house with a garden?

Not much point getting cross with me fella....

It was £20 per week, not £20 per room, but not important really.
A very sad story, but there are hundreds of equally sad stories every week.

You don't know the situation, or the relationship of the sons.... so easy to judge and be wrong.

Maybe blaming government policy is the thing to do... but if you vote 'em in.. you've got to live with it.

And then if this woman is a suicide risk, why doesn't her doctor know? why is she not protected in that way?
We don't know all the facts so its hard to criticise but for somebody to take their own life is sad but I bet there will be other factors to it, she was possibly near the edge and this was the final push
We don't know all the facts so its hard to criticise but for somebody to take their own life is sad but I bet there will be other factors to it, she was possibly near the edge and this was the final push

totally agree... newspapers can twist stories beyond recognition.

But still so very sad that the government can't protect its people.
The government don't give a sh@it abouts its people and in many cases are the greatest oppressors.
But still so very sad that the government can't protect its people.

So if the Government doesn't step in and help her, does that exonerate her kids?

You really want me to make an exact statement on an immensely emotive and subjective scenario?

I know nothing about her sons other than a snippet i read on a forum...

Do you?
Maybe blaming government policy is the thing to do.

Once we accept government is to blame, not society, not the family, then any government cut is murder by default.

So no cut, ever, to any government spending, only ever increasing further spending, because anything less........

Is murder....

**** that ****

Her kids let her down, she let her self down, she let her kids down, the system bent over backwards to accommodate her, yet it wasn't enough, it wasn't enough to be given a free flat, no, it HAD to be a 3 bedroom house with a garden, she didn't have to work, nevermind billions in this world struggle to even FEED themselves, she didnt get enough for doing nothing, *kill yourself* must be the solution.

I know nothing about her sons other than a snippet i read on a forum...

Do you?

No; but they didn't help their mother out, and that's that.
It's always a case of 'blame the Government/Council/Social Services'
but people should look after their own.
I know nothing about her sons other than a snippet i read on a forum...

Do you?

No; but they didn't help their mother out, and that's that.
It's always a case of 'blame the Government/Council/Social Services'
but people should look after their own.

But there are many cases where mothers drink and don't look after their kids.... or gamble... or just sit and watch daytime tv and don't care for their kids... this is what i'm saying, do you know for sure her sons aren't victims of this sort of thing?
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