80% increase in pickpocketing on the tube in London. Guess who's responsible?

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27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
Watching on the news tonight and they report an 80% increase over the last three years on the underground. No prizes for guessing who's responsible.

He (BTP undercover officer) said he was not sure why there had been an increase, but said some people he had arrested who had entered the country from Europe to pickpocket had told him it was a "last chance saloon" because of Brexit.

Full story here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-48747397

Looks like there could have been some substance to my post of 3 months ago. https://www.diynot.com/diy/threads/police-non-emergency-what-a-joke.520679/#post-4350018

I’ll just wait for the apologists to come on and get this thread closed......

Bring on October 31st.
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Blame the government for not having proper checks on illegals.
Romanians ??? May be ;)

The undercover police were trying to be PC, but slipped out its the Romanians...

Before the lefties start chucking their cards out:, I will say by far the majorty of Romanians I've met have been good decent people.

Even they will tell you. They are not all goodens.
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I bet when the EU have a get together the local hotels that they may stay in start bricking it :LOL:

They probably turn up with s tool kit in there diplomatic bags :LOL: so as to remove all the fixtures :LOL:

Early hours seem wandering down the road with basins ' toilets and rolled up carpets :LOL:

That cescau when he had a royal visit ransacked his room in buck house ;)
The pickpockets could be Roma Gypsies and not ethnic Romanians, people don't really know the difference between the 2.
The pickpockets could be Roma Gypsies and not ethnic Romanians, people don't really know the difference between the 2.

These two caught on the news clip I thunk may have well been gypsy's. They were from Romania however.
This is true and I swear on my kids lives. About 8 years ago I ran an independent motor mechanics training centre. We used to get our students referred to us by the local authority, who paid quite well. I once had a Roma Gypsy school age asylum seeker start in one of my classes. He was a lazy violent thug and much bigger than he should have been for a 14 year old kid - I would have put him in his early 20’s. I chucked him out after a couple of weeks for constant bad punctuality/non attendance and total lack of interest when he was there. He had an army of social workers/apologists/translators (although he could speak English when he needed to) working for him, all funded by the UK taxpayer. They asked for a meeting to plead his case for return to training - I think it could have been linked to his/his family’s asylum appeal. In the meeting, and this is the part I will swear on, through his translator, his social worker asked for his general behaviour and lack of interest to be excused as in his 'community' THE MEN DO NOT GO TO WORK - that was the role of the women, and that was why he felt he didn’t need to learn anything. They said all this with a totally straight face and really believed I would accept it. You couldn’t make it up - even the local authority representative was taken back by that statement. I refused to have him back and told the LA never to send us any more students from that 'community'.
This is true and I swear on my kids lives. About 8 years ago I ran an independent motor mechanics training centre. We used to get our students referred to us by the local authority, who paid quite well. I once had a Roma Gypsy school age asylum seeker start in one of my classes. He was a lazy violent thug and much bigger than he should have been for a 14 year old kid - I would have put him in his early 20’s. I chucked him out after a couple of weeks for constant bad punctuality/non attendance and total lack of interest when he was there. He had an army of social workers/apologists/translators (although he could speak English when he needed to) working for him, all funded by the UK taxpayer. They asked for a meeting to plead his case for return to training - I think it could have been linked to his/his family’s asylum appeal. In the meeting, and this is the part I will swear on, through his translator, his social worker asked for his general behaviour and lack of interest to be excused as in his 'community' THE MEN DO NOT GO TO WORK - that was the role of the women, and that was why he felt he didn’t need to learn anything. They said all this with a totally straight face and really believed I would accept it. You couldn’t make it up - even the local authority representative was taken back by that statement. I refused to have him back and told the LA never to send us any more students from that 'community'.

Why would we not believe you?

But we know there are a few on hear who will dispute your experience.
There always will be. I’d love to know what they do for a living. I’m guessing they are closely linked with social services. I’ve asked before but of course they never answer......
There always will be. I’d love to know what they do for a living. I’m guessing they are closely linked with social services. I’ve asked before but of course they never answer......

I think they are retired civil servants who are paid by the remain camp to spread lies and try and influence us.

Notch however is playing the good cop bad cop thing.
Trying a diffrent approach in trying to turn us. He's from the same department with slight differences.

They all drink down the same social club on a Friday night.
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