Advice on redesigning a small bathroom

26 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
Currently buying a new house (fingers crossed) - haven't got access to get correct measurements etc -so looking for answers in principle...

Current bathroom is original 70s special turquoise fittings - which I think add character ...but also think will have to go...
...needs a makeover anyway (the brown and blue tiles :eek:)

Very compact -this is estate agents plan... All fixed to outside wall with window above. Can't remember seeing the soil stack outside think it might be 'concealed' but need to double check this)

Estate agents dimensions are 1.9 by 1.7 m
Taps/drain on opposite end of bath to estate agents plan but an electric shower has been fitted to that wall.

Think the shelf area under the window might be to hide boxed in pipes.. (windows are down for replacing)
This the only bathroom ...(there is a downstairs loo) so I want a shower over a bath preferably with a shower screen rather than curtain...

Am I right in thinking even if I could build out/ knock back the wall to level up above the bath and put the shower over that end I couldn't have a showerscreen because of how close the sink will have to be?

If that is the case how possible/desirable would it be to move the taps and drain to the opposite end (away from outside wall) - and then could I have a shower screen?
And also maybe a mixer tap type shower (water pressure is good) - haven't tried this electric shower but my past experience of them is they are useless (unless I need re-educating on this?)
It has a combi boiler - not needing replaced (according to home report survey)
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Thanks - I don't understand properly
Do you mean have the drain, taps and shower at the end of the bath away from the outside wall? (where the shower is now) - if so can you get enough 'fall' on the waste pipe? Will the extra feed lengths cause any problems? etc etc

Since realised that I know another house with the orignal bathroom (primose yellow this time!) and their shower and screen is fitted on the opposite side to the taps too....just wondering why they did/do that? Easier to plumb/wire up a shower to internal rather than external wall? Or because of the length of drain?
Any one else got more feedback on this?

Mainly wondering whether I need to keep electric shower or not...

(house needs rewire ... and electric shower or not needs to be taken into account for quotes...)
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as i said no problem turning bath around, just raise it a fraction more to get fall of waste if required, wont make no difference to supplies. then you can have your shower screen installed against the wall properly. Dont like electric showers personally but can come in handy if the boiler goes wonky
Thank you ... :) (and I forgot to thank you before - sorry...)

Puts my mind at rest ...and I will plan to get rid of the electric shower for now (if the boiler seems ok - will need to double check....)

(Should maybe have said my current bathroom- installed by mister bodge-it - has been nothing but trouble - and I know well what problems a 10m+ waste run on the shower without enough fall can cause!)
It says Landing just below the bathroom in the picture.
Where are the stairs? Sometimes they encroach on the bathroom, utilising the slope at the 'back' end of the bath.

I've lived in 2 houses that did just that. It might make turning the bath awkward, if not impossible.
I don't quite understand which wall you consider knocking down and what is the problem with having a shower screen.

In my house the bathroom is a similar size and layout, the only difference is that the window is on the side wall by the toilet pan. All the drainage is close to the external wall, the shower (thermostatic) is over the bath at the end by the door, and there is a folding screen attached to the wall just behind the door.

In my partner's house - again size and layout similar, even the window is like on your plan. Electric shower at the other end by the door. Surprisingly good, I expected to have not enough flow (and I am very fussy about having a proper shower) but is fine, no problems whatsoever. No screen, but we are planning to build an extension, which might lead to changes in the bathroom, and anyway we are going to refurbish it, so I leave with a shower curtain for the time being.

If you don't like folding screens, think about getting in and out of the bath. If you have a screen behind the door, will be there enough space between the end of the screen and the sink? If not, and if the window is away from the bath, you can knock down the boxing by the window and have the shower and the screen there.
kind of thing I wouldn't have thought of - but its fine the stairs are to the right hand side of the plan (underneath the box room or 'study' in estate agents speak!)
Did think about knocking the box room and bathroom together - so I could have a bigger bathroom space - but after having a big bathroom for the last 10 years - I know its a bit of a waste of space - harder to heat and in my house ends up as dumping ground for stuff waiting to go into the least with a box room you can close the door on the clutter ...

or turning current bathroom into an ensuite (attached to bedroom on other side) and box room into a family bathroom - but thats another bathroom to clean ....(sure when daughters become teenagers I'll regret that decision!) - so might try and fit a shower into downstairs cloak room/loo ....

As to the type of screen I will have to measure up properly... just would much much rather not have a (mouldy!) shower curtain...
preferably have a screen that you can move (not fixed) but as sink and bath are really close thinking it would have to open in rather than out (which wouldn't be particularly good for getting to bath taps etc) and I don't think enough room for a folding one... so putting it at the door end would be the best idea ...if the drainage works!

Thanks again - starting to get excited now .... :D
The folding screen doesn't require any room to fold. I might take some pics tomorrow and show you.
mouldy shower curtains dont go mouldy if you bang them in the washing machine regularly. plus you can dry them hanging into the bath

i refuse to fit shower screens over baths because they always leak in a year or so. it doesnt matter if the bath is bang on level and the tiling is plumb, they always leak eventually!
Thanks - photo would be fantastic - if it isn't too much hassle...I should also pop round some bathroom display places...

I won't pretend anything but I really hate cleaning and will do anything to make life easier/less cleaning for myself...a shower screen quick wipe down with microfibre cloth with vinegar if nec - 2 mins job done....
Take down and wash shower curtain - lots of faffing ....

Scarred for life by mouldy shower curtains anyway ...vile things ....used to live in shared house (5 of us - 4 boys and me!)...don't think it ever really got the chance to dry out - and never got washed (and we tried all kinds of rotas etc...) if I had put it in to wash ...some flatmates would have a shower without it rather than bother putting it back up - I gave up and it really did get disgusting! If it touched me getting out of the shower... I wanted to have another shower!!!! Yuk!
Thanks - Forgot about extractor!
...think I might skip heated mirror - not sure about shaver you really need one?

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