Another one bites the dust...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Ford joins the exit bandwagon...

So where is this 'bright new future' for the UK going to be coming from?

In the our 'brave new world' other countries are looking to their own interests, and it appears the UK will be left out in the cold...

After all...

Who would invest in a country that can't feed or power itself and that also has dwindling resources, sold off most of it's assets, and has a debt that is unmanageable...
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Job losses means less tax, increasing debt, more austerity, and greater risk the government agree to damaging trade deals with the US and other countries that want a piece of the pie.

But hey, we'll be in control, won't we? It's not about jobs, money, or security, it's about being independent!
Who would invest in a country that can't feed or power itself and that also has dwindling resources, sold off most of it's assets, and has a debt that is unmanageable...

Thats true, the UK is a bit like Somalia, it has no power on the world stage.

Oh wait a minute, lets look at the detail:
  • Deloitte analysis shows that 3,900 UK inward investment projects in the past three years brought in $140 billion of capital –more than France and Germany combined
  • 57% of Fortune 500 companies have their European headquarters in the UK
  • Impact of Brexit on foreign investor sentiment yet to be seen but report highlights need to maintain a pro-growth, open and stable business environment to keep up investment
The UK attracted more foreign direct investment (FDI) than any other country in Europe between 2015 and 2018, with nearly four thousand projects bringing in more capital investment than second and third placed Germany and France combined. Analysis in Deloitte’s ‘Power Up: UK inward investment’ report also reveals that the UK ranks second only to the US on the global stage in terms of number of inward investment projects. During this period the UK attracted 6.7% of global FDI (Germany and France attracted 5.7% and 3.6% respectively)

Ford joins the exit bandwagon...

So where is this 'bright new future' for the UK going to be coming from?

In the our 'brave new world' other countries are looking to their own interests, and it appears the UK will be left out in the cold...

After all...

Who would invest in a country that can't feed or power itself and that also has dwindling resources, sold off most of it's assets, and has a debt that is unmanageable...

"Us" keep building things is not sustainable.

Unless you subscribe to the notion that "someone's going to make money destroying the planet, so it might as well be us".......
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"Us" keep building things is not sustainable.

Unless you subscribe to the notion that "someone's going to make money destroying the planet, so it might as well be us".......
As notchy would say/approve of, you are conflating the issue...

So where are the jobs that aren't simply minimum wage UK internal service industry ones going to come from?
Well maybe.... along with the closure of the Bordeaux transmission plant and the reduction of 1600 workers at the Saarlouis plant.
You are conflating the issue...

I'm not; look around you. The car industry is fundamentally changing; recent multi-billion investment in ICEs has become the millstone that is drowning many manufacturers.
ICEs are doomed, probably sooner than we think.

But where are the jobs that aren't simply minimum wage UK internal service industry ones going to come from?

Take a guess; but some reports reckon that many of the jobs of 2030 haven't even been thought of yet, such is the pace of change.
Add to that, the notion of "a job for life" is going to become redundant in the near future.
I've just looked at a graph of UK vehicle manufacture from 1979 to 2019 and there are peaks and troughs throughout the entire period. The BBC graph is misleading because it only goes back 6 years! The current slump is comparable to lots of slumps and what the article doesn't state is that current output is still higher than many years previous.

I'll also challenge the statement that we have...

dwindling resources

One of my first jobs was as an administrator in the minerals and extractives industry. Although there was always talk of a shortage of workers (whole separate issue) the actual quantity of natural resources we have available to us here is strong.
One of my first jobs was as an administrator in the minerals and extractives industry. Although there was always talk of a shortage of workers (whole separate issue) the actual quantity of natural resources we have available to us here is strong.
Well given your 'expertise', no doubt you could point out which of our UK based resources aren't in decline/haven't reached their peak?
Ford joins the exit bandwagon...

So where is this 'bright new future' for the UK going to be coming from?

In the our 'brave new world' other countries are looking to their own interests, and it appears the UK will be left out in the cold...

After all...

Who would invest in a country that can't feed or power itself and that also has dwindling resources, sold off most of it's assets, and has a debt that is unmanageable...

Only one country in the EU is able to feed itself. France.

In terms of energy security, the UK ranks 5th in the world

Dwindling resources? I presume you mean oil, apart from that I'm sure it won't have escaped your notice that Great Britain is quite small. Still could be worse, could be France, which apart from agricultural land have few natural resources.

Sold of all it's assets, well that's complicated but is possibly best measured by NIIP which is currently negative, perversely made less negative by the post benefit devaluation of the pound. Still not as bad as Spain, Greece, France or Ireland.

Unsustainable debt? well possibly but better than the EU average.
Oh and Ford released a statement saying the Bridgend plant closure was unrelated to Brexit.
And which f'kin idiot missed Ford's statement today, about the closure being nothing to do with Brexit? ;)
So I guess all their other statements about Brexit being a problem didn't come into it?

Linky Linky

And today...

"Ford could make further UK workforce cuts beyond Bridgend in the event of a no-deal Brexit, according to the firm's European president, Stuart Rowley...

When asked if further job losses could come in the event of a deal with the European Union not being struck, Rowley said: "Should a no-deal Brexit happen, we will need to evaluate the environment with regards to tariffs and customs issues - we’re hoping that doesn’t happen. If the business environment changes significantly, we will have to review our business plan."

Quitters believe what they want to believe - f'kin idiots!
No , Ellal; you only want to see Brexit. It suits your narrative.
Like the "if Bo Jo gets off, it's a fix" post the other day.
Ford will leave Europe altogether unless they start selling vehicles for a profit. Ford's best European market has always been the UK.
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